Thursday, February 27, 2020


Up early. I have to get to work a bit early.  I have a Union thing tonight.  Not looking forward to it. So MUCH anger and derision.  I am tired of it. 

I have been active in my union for a long time.  I am tired of people who don't get it just shouting until people stop trying to explain their point of view.   Even if you are shouting, you are still wrong.

I blame tRump politics, and the dumbing down of our children.  They are being taught to take tests, not to think or reason.  It's scary.  I think  the obsequious "They" want us stupid.  Uneducated people make good servants I guess.

My favorite new slur?  "you Uneducated potato"

On another tangent.  I was reading a book in which the main character is asked about the themes of  "The Great Gatsby" and she BS'ed her was around some answer which made me think.  The BS was an interesting take on the book- it was clear she just read a synopsis and not the book, although it's -what- 60 pages?  Short in any case.  It also made me wonder. As an English major, we are taught to look for themes or symbolism in what we read.  I wondered for about the millionth time, if the symbols are placed there or we are taught to see what is not there.  I tend to think ol' Scott was just telling a story, not all that junk about the meaning of the green light at the end of Daisy's dock.  I am sure Scott and Zelda knew a lot of "Gatsby's " people from humble beginnings who reinvented themselves for the Cafe Society.  It might have been a cold look at the dark underbelly of those glittering people, false friends and sad endings.  That even if you achieve great things, if you lose yourself in the process, just what have you gained?  What is the quote "What profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?"

I wonder if tRump has ever heard that quote.  He probably had no soul to lose.

1 comment:

  1. I have been giving this some thought lately, and here is MY take in it: trump appeals (and does so on purpose) to the massive ignorant, lazy underbelly of America's great unwashed. Because he is not smarter than they are, they don't have to think, they can just be lazy, and he finds their weaknesses, fears, and prejudices, and gives it to them. So everyone is happy. And can say, "See?" Truly scary. It's turned America into a big cult.


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