Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Up early to make a breakfast dish- chile rellano casserole- for my contribution to the "Baby Jesus" Party. It's a fun tradition, celebrating our local heritage that if you find the baby Jesus in you piece of Three Kings Cake, you have to throw a party on February 2.  We decided to do it today.  The Baby in this years cake looked like he came via Area 51, so I keep calling it " Alien Baby Jesus"  Some years the baby looks like a baby.

So.. I bought the wrong chilies.   I blame prednisone and lack of sleep.

They are supposed to be whole but I bought chopped.

I blame prednisone, which makes me stupid and forgetful.  It works, but at what cost?  I got lost going to my doctor's office. Admittedly, I have been seeing SO many lately I forgot which one was where and I parked in the wrong lot at Kaiser.  Ugh

Still I am fighting this THING that makes breathing harder and sleep impossible.  I took all my meds and slept at an angle, but still awake every few hours.

It's not sleep apnea.  It's this.. THING

I see my wonderful asthma doctor next week.  I had another one of those episodes on Monday where I stopped breathing.  Sound asleep then WHAM.  God I hate that.  I looked it up and I have a few questions to ask my doctor about possible medication changes and what I might do to make this manageable. He's great and together we will solve this mystery and I WILL get better.

The pulmonologist said I will probably need to take this stuff forever, in order to have a somewhat "normal" life.  I am hoping he COULD be wrong about my prognosis that he just wants me to take it easy and not expect to be off this stuff any time soon. My hope is eventually I will not need so much stuff.  This whole thing bites.

I hope my office mates enjoy the chile thing I am making.  Same flavor just not whole chilies.  It's gonna be a long day.

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