Sunday, March 22, 2020

Safe at home

It's been less than a week and yet, I am losing it.

I want to go somewhere but I KNOW better. I am half afraid to go to the mailbox of do the laundry.  I am high risk and all this misinformation is making me crazy.

The Orange Menace is now having daily Press Briefings" which he has in lieu of his campaign rallies.  He lies outrageously, to the point where his experts behind him cover their faces or roll their eyes.

I am trying not to watch him, just read the reports and I am with Rachel Maddow on stopping the "daily Pressers"  It's a replacement for  his rallies.

So far, my "safe at Home" days have been .. interesting. I am working from home and it is exhausting. I miss my friends and personal interaction with people.  It's going to be a long month or two.

I have been entertaining myself by cooking new dishes; my kitchen is somewhere between an episode of Chopped and Worst Cooks In America..

Still I am thinking about Anne Frank and how long she was stuck inside.  We are not exactly stuck inside and we can talk to one another, read books online and see movie, we can take classes and connect with one another even if we can't be in each other's presence.

It's going to be interesting...

1 comment:

  1. Today, Alex, my pest control guy came for my quarterly spraying, and I was so excited to see another human that I engaged him in conversation WAY too long - until I realized what I was doing and went inside and let the poor guy work.
    I find myself trying to chat with ANYONE - the woman giving me change at the gas station, the guy standing guard at the door to the liquor store, the people in my bank branch
    I tend to be an overly garrulous person anyway, but this is horrible.


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