Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Quarantine week --- whatever

It's Tuesday, of that I am certain, as I am going back to "work" in a few minutes.  I work from home and, yes, I really AM putting in my full effort at work.  I still have a lot to do.

I am still waking up coughing, but that is my asthma, not quite under control. I do NOT have Covid-19, according to my last real in-person doctor visit.  I am sticking with that.  My last conversation with my pulmonologist gave me pause.  He wants to try immunotherapy when this is all over.  Ok.  Whatever it takes so I will feel "normal"  When I said that to my dr , he laughed and said he had never actually seen me "normal"  I did make a joke that normal was not a good description of me anyway.  The poor man sounded tired. 

Being "Safer at home" is wearying.  I am afraid to leave the house and a trip to the trash can at the end of the property seems like a covert adventure.   Chris goes to the store.  Yesterday he suggested I go and stay in the car, just to get out of the house.  Maybe next time.  This must be how agoraphobics feel.  I am listless.

I HAVE been digging into Ancestry and have seen some very cool links to my family past.   I found that i AM a daughter of the American Revolution, just not where I THOUGHT, but along a farther line.  there is a whole cool story about the guy and I will be looking him up to see if I can find more information about him. He would have been my eight times great grandfather.    THAT was a long time ago.

Still I can't wait for the "All Clear" to sound.  I read a lot of memes that talk about Anne Frank, but I wonder how her mother fared in all of this.  Due to the sanitized version of her diary that everyone reads in middle school, Anne comes off as a sweet dreamy girl.  But I wonder about the harsh reality of being in hiding.  While it is true, we are hiding in some respects, the brutal reality of the Frank family is an interesting juxtaposition.  I wonder about the truth of their daily life, not just what Otto Frank wanted the world to see.

Perhaps I will have to see if the book is online.  I am listening to audio books a lot. I find the sound filling up the room to be helpful and the escapist novel I am listening to a counter to the reality of what is going on in the world.


  1. And here I am at home, looking for little chores to do (except the ironing!) to fill the hours - sometimes even minutes.
    The isolation is really intense.
    My neighbor, with who I am friends, is SO wierded out that he won't let me come and talk to him from the safety of my side patio - disconcerting, how if I take a step, he takes another step back.
    And he spends his time disinfecting the house he lives in alone. Well, he is also a trump supporter, and thinks the man is handling things so well........yesterday I passed the remark that trump now thinks Germany should be our enemy again, and I got a long diatribe about fake news.
    Then, just to frost the damn cake, this is my first month without ANY sub income, since the City council did a volte face and decided subs would NOT be paid after saying we would be. I worked on my April budget last evening - ouch. I guess I AM going to have to see if I qualify for unemployment.
    Tomorrow - April Fool's Day - WHAT can be waiting for us?

  2. And I was originally told I could go back to work at the library today. HA! April Fools!


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