Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It's Wednesday and I am just getting around to this

This weekend I went out to 29 Palms to "help" with a house build.  I can't say I was much help.  I picked up debris, helped get food out to people, but mostly I stood around watching the house go up.  They did it in three days.  It was amazing.  There were so many people there, all volunteer, working to build a home for the Tilch family.  I knew Lloyd back in High School.  We reconnected on Facebook and I talk with his sweet wife almost every day.  His wife said in all seriousness, that I have complete opposite political views from them but we manage to remain friends.  It's funny, but I know they are really conservative, and I am a card carrying liberal, but we do remain friends.  We both state our case in a civilized manner and at some point change the subject.  We each know that we will not change the others' mind and it's ok.  Not everyone has to believe as I do.  I appreciate viewpoints presented rationally and without name-calling or snide remarks about the level of my intelligence.  I have "unfriended" a few people for that type of behavior.  I enjoy reading what Lloyd has to say, even if he's WRONG ;).

I am thankful beyond words that this blessing- and it IS a blessing- was bestowed on this family.  I was interviewed for a documentary they are doing and I said as much. These people are the salt of the earth.  They will help YOU if they can.  They never publicly wrung their hands and threw a pity party.  They asked for prayers and kept their faith. This happened.  It is a wonderful thing.  The interviewer asked me how this affected the family.  I said that Lloyd looked "lighter" than he had, even in the past six weeks; like a great weight has been lifted from him.  I know this will be a good thing for them and for those they love. 

I am thankful I could go and be a part of this.  It also gave me some "Bobby time" with my squeaker.  He's getting so big.  He's such a sweet child.  I was able to spend some time alone with him while his parents went out to get a bite to eat.  They need some alone time and I needed some Bobby time!

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