Monday, November 3, 2014

Thankful Day 2

So I am thinking about things I am thankful for this morning.  I am trying NOT to be trite, but failing miserably in my head.

Maybe I set myself up here, in trying to think of three things a day.  I can only come up with one or two this morning, as the coffee has not QUITE kicked in.

I am thankful for food.  I am grateful to be able to provide for my family and to be able to cook fresh healthy food for them.  I am thankful to have received the "cooking gene" from my father and am happy to be able to cook with abandon in my small but very functional kitchen.  I find I am happiest when I have a houseful of people  around my table. laughing and sharing stories over a meal I have made.  I look forward to Thanksgiving.  I have no idea at this point who will be coming, but the door is open and if you let me know, I will throw another potato in the pot, as my mother used to say.

I am thankful for sleep and to able to sleep ina warm bed.  I live the autumn weather, snuggling under warm blankets.  I seem to sleep better when I am warm- not HOT and miserable like in the summer.  Maybe it's because the Winter is coming on and our bodies are still tied to the ancient ways of "hibernation" in the winter months.  I have no idea. 

I am thankful to live where I live.  My apartment is small and I DO want a house and a dog and a yard someday, but I am content.  I have nice neighbors and a cozy home.  I live close enough to Los Angeles to get there every day, but far enough away to feel, well Away from it! I have the best of both worlds up here at the foot of the Angeles National Forrest.  I never really thought of it as a "forest" growing up.  It did not carry the same mythical weight as the forests in Fairy tales, which I suppose were German forests, all dark and full of wolves; and while I don't go up hiking in the forest as I did when I was a teen, it is comforting in some strange way to know it is there.

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