Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Power of Prayer ( or love or positive thought, whatever you want to call it...)

Faith is a curious thing.  In the last few weeks, things have happened that I can only chalk up to the power of belief and the Universe having balance on the good side.  If you have been reading this blog, you know that I went out to watch the building of a "forever home" for my friends Lloyd Debbie and Cody.  I have to tell you that over the last year or so, I believe that so many people were praying for them that the universe, or God if you will,said "OK OK I'll DO something!"  

It got me to thinking about how different faiths and beliefs all focus on the same idea.  That if enough people pray,think, wish, for something, it comes to pass.  Now, some people will credit God, some people will credit the Universe and some will say it is the power of the human mind manifesting a thought into action.  Isn't it really all the same thing?  We believe, and if we give over our beliefs in such a way that it cannot be otherwise, then it comes to pass. 

So I am setting MY intentions toward the highest good today, saying my prayers that two things that are important to me will be resolved. I have done all that I can do about them both and now must leave it up to God, the Universe, the Cosmos or chance for a resolution.  If you have a moment today, think a good thought for me!

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