Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thankful Day 3

I know I am a day behind, but that's how it is these days with me. 

I am thankful to be able to vote today.  I vote in every election, proudly going to the polls in person to cast my ballot.  I am scheduled to work in the Spring in the municipal elections, something I find to be tiring but good work.  I used to take my daughter with me to the polls and explain that women like my grandmother faced jail and beatings and death so that she could do this and the best way to honor those brave women was to vote in every  single election.  I am proud to say that she does.  I was never prouder of her when she cast her first ballot, in a Presidential election.  She had researched the candidates and the issues and was ready on election day.  She even woke ME up so that we would be in line early.  We were there when the polls opened.  We were talking in line about the fact that this was her first  election, careful not to discuss the candidates.  The person next to us looked at us as she excitedly said  "This is the first time I am voting"  People clapped! 

I am thankful to belong to the union I do.  I haven't always been able to say that, but with changes that were made ( we got rid of the dictator ED a few years ago)   things are better.  I did like one of the previous ED's very much, but the one that came after him just sold us down the river.   The direction of our union toward more involvement in the community is a positive change I can embrace.  Last night we did a dinner service at the Delores Mission in downtown LA. It's always good to serve someone a plate of food and join them in a meal.  We do this the first Monday of every month.  One of the residents told me when they see the blue shirts, they know that good food is coming.  The place was packed, which is both a good and a sad thing. This shelter does good work and I am honored to be part of their commitment to the community.

I am thankful the courts FINALLY found my paperwork for part of the financial portion of my divorce. I have to go back to an attorney again to get one more piece done and then I will be able to get a handle on when I can retire and what it will look like for me.  Yes, I am looking at retirement much closer now for a number of reasons.   It is important to me to be clear on what my options are right now.  I have been divorced since what.. 2006?  I have gone back and forth on the financial paperwork, as my attorney of record messed it up BIG TIME.  Ah well, live and learn.  Still, as I have 34+ full time years at my job which suddenly has become more stressful than I would like it to be, I am considering my options.   WHEN I win the lotto tonight, however, I will not have to worry about that!

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