Sunday, November 30, 2014

Post Thanksgiving thoughts

It's been a busy few days and somewhere along the line, someone unplugged me.  I haven't been a ball of energy lately.  Maybe it's just revving as much as I have been doing over the past few weeks has finally caught up to me.  I have a lot to do and no gumption to do it!

I am thankful that we were able to share Thanksgiving day with good friends.  I cooked like a madwoman for two days, but everyone seemed to enjoy the meal and the conversation.  My quirky oven burned my muffins a bit, but we were able to salvage them and everything went well.  More than once, I wished my children and grandchild could have been at the table with us.  My prayer, my ONLY wish for Christmas is that they will be able to join us in celebration of the holidays.  Please add me to your prayers for this to become a reality for me.

I am considering what to do with the leftovers.  I think turkey enchiladas, gnocchi with the rest of the mash and some sort of odd casserole with the green beans and stuffing- not all at once!   I need to make broth to make my world famous BBQ chili. McGroarty is having their annual holiday boutique and we REALLY need to make a lot of money this year.  As a non-profit, we have fallen into a cycle of NO grants and as we scramble to find alternative funding, things are difficult.  We are managing, but it would be nice to have some breathing room!  So, come up to the Center this weekend.  I will be baking and cooking and....  well you get the idea.  My favorite band in the world is playing locally on Sunday night and I thought " hey maybe I can go" but I KNOW I will be one tired little person on Sunday night and it's RUDE to sleep at a concert!

This blog may be a bit more confessional than usual, but I really need to get my thoughts out on "paper" ( even if it isn't paper)  Thinking in print helps me focus on the task at hand.  I have a lot to do as we prepare for the rest of the holiday season.  I will remember to be thankful for the blessings I have, for the peaceful home, warm clothes and food. I am thankful for the friends I have and the work I continue to do, both as a career and as a volunteer. I am hopeful that putting  good  out in the world will impact those I love and those I never know.  I still have a "Hippy-dippy" sensibility about the world, and although I may seem naive to some, I think I am just hopeful.  I try to see the good side, even though I must acknowledge the negative side of things.  To paraphrase Jim Croce "You can't have a rainbow without the rain"

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