Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day

November 11 was known as Armistice Day, celebrating the end of World War I, the "war to end all wars" Nice idea, but it didn't work out.  On this day, known as Veteran's Day, We should all take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made by a few, for the better of all.

I can trace my Myers ancestry back to the American Revolution.  My earliest "Myers" American was Jacob, who had been a farmer in Pennsylvania.  I located his service records, finding he was at Valley Forge with Washington.  In a "sick tent", but there he was.   Benjamin, his grandson, fought on the Union side of the Civil War.  My grandfather was drafted during World War I , but through a series of confusing stories,  I am given to understand that he never served.  He apparently just walked out of the camp and didn't go back.  I think there must be more to the story than that, but that's the one he told my Dad.  My Dad was in Europe in World War II, most notably at the Battle of the Bulge.  He told some funny stories about some of his wartime exploits. He was constantly being promoted, then demoted for some infraction.  He said "The Old Man came by and said "Myers!  Why haven't you sewn on your stripes?"  My Dad replied "You'll just rip them off in a week or so."  He said the Old Man shrugged and agreed with him.

Movies tend to romanticize war.  It is the least romantic thing I can think of.  The fear and the death and the pain are unimaginable. I thank those people who are brave enough to go through this.  I appreciate your service.  I try to make it a point to thank veterans, especially Vietnam vets, who didn't get the respect that they deserved.  THAT was a thankless war and the soldiers bore the brunt of it, both there and when they got home.  Shameful treatment. I never hated the soldier, I hated the war.

So thank you to those who served and for those who continue to serve.  Your sacrifice is not unnoticed.

1 comment:

  1. and I want to thank TOM, my most fervent reader and commenter, for reminding me that he was waiting for this blog.


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