Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thankful, Day four

Ok.  I know.  Now I'm TWO days behind.  In my own defense, yesterday I was doing a lot of writing for McGroarty Arts Center, along with gamely trying to get to work in a timely manner.  I am tired and not sleeping very well.  I am once again looking at the stressors in my life and trying to manage them in a more holistic way.  Writing helps.

One of my most fervent readers chastised me for not posting my thankfulness for my husband or my "squeaker" yet.  THAT is a given for me.  Yes, I am thankful for my husband.  We will celebrate FIVE years of marriage in a few weeks, and I will be gushing about him on our anniversary. As far as my grandson is concerned, if you are a Facebook Friend , you know I am also "all Bobby, all the time" about my "squeaker"  I honestly need to  come up with a better nickname for him- well BOBBY is a nickname, isn't it?  He's just so DARN cute!!!!

Today, I am thankful for my co-workers.  When you spend as much time in the company of someone, it helps to like them.  Over the past three years, I have gotten to know and like the people I work with in many ways.  We watch out for one another, share triumphs and tragedies.  Sometimes, I feel like I am in the center of a storm.  My work is NUTS and has gotten more so in the past few months.  I do my best to provide the service I feel I should be, although I am only one person- and the ONLY person who does what I do.  Recent events have gotten me seriously considering retirement, although my original plan was to do another six years.  Sounds like a prison sentence ( "how long ya got left?"  "six years")  I will be taking a look at things in the next few months to really see how much longer i NEED to work.  Since God didn't see fit to let me win the lottery, I just know I have to go in today.

After a very long but fruitful meeting last night , I am thankful to be able to contribute my time to McGroarty Arts Center.  I don't take classes there- the ONE class I wanted to take this session is on a day I can't commit to- Thursdays- so I will wait for the Spring session and hope.

I am thankful for art and artists.  I often wish I had a more artistic bent.  I can't make a stick figure look realistic, but I can appreciate what the artist is doing.  Some of it looks so "simple" but is deceptively so.  I think it take a real master to make something look effortless.  I want to take time to go to more museums and galleries.  Looking at art is one of my more enjoyable activities.

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