Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday Thoughts

I consider myself to be a mostly happy person.  I can usually find something positive, even in the worst situations; but lately I find I have been a bit.. sad.  Probably the advent of the season and hormonal issues, but there it is.  I have been hearing the last line of a poem I read once "You have wasted your life"  It makes me wonder, HAVE I wasted my life?  Not really, but there were so many things I thought I wanted to do, I need to take time and see what of them are still possible and what was just a silly aspiration that had no basis in reality.

I probably never will write "the Great American Novel"  I just don't know how I would start that.  I took classes in short story writing and frankly I suck at that.  I try from time to time, but my plots are weak and my character development is nil. I know that.  Still I think I enjoyed the process and if I ever have a brilliant story to tell, well, there may be something to it.

I need to look at all the little things that make up my life.  I always say if you wait to celebrate only the BIG ones, you will never celebrate anything, so here are some random thoughts;

My daughter is happily married with a baby, which was what she wanted most of all.  She made it through a rough time, when my marriage to her father shattered, but she got through it.  We talk all the time. 

I am married to a man who puts up with my crap.  He is loving and supportive and always encourages me to find my art.  So far, my "art" includes this blog and the creation of a "small bites" menu of food that is quick to cook and fun to serve.

I own a plot of land in Ireland.  Sure it's a 1' x1' square of sod somewhere in County Roscommon, but I do own it.  lol.  Chris bought it for me for our anniversary ( apparently, my day to water is Thursday...)

My work, even though it is overwhelming at times, is important to the daily operations of libraries.  I know I am helping when I can get something fixed that makes it possible for people to have free access to all the wonders of a library.  Am I saving the planet?  No, but maybe because of what I do, I am saving one person.

 You never know what good you put out in the world and how that ripple will affect others by it's action.  There's a line from a Jackson Browne song  "Somewhere between the time you arrive and the time you go may lie a reason you were alive that you'll never know"  Most of us can never really know what our actions do in the world, we can only hope that throwing out positives, we can make the life of someone better.

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