Thursday, November 8, 2012


A sort rant on how, since medical care and Pharmaceuticals have become BIG business, patient care has declined.

I am asthmatic; adult onset means I will NOT"grow out of it"  I am stuck with it.  Lately, my asthma has been raging out of control.  My doctor took me OFF the maintenance med I had been taking and just gave me the "rescue" inhaler.  I know that  if I have to use it more than twice a week, the asthma is going bonkers.  I was using the darn thing twice a DAY.  It makes me spacy ( well spacier than usual) so I went back to Kaiser and saw a different doctor ( my doctor is so busy he didn't have any time to see me.)  This doc put me back on the meds, but with half the dosage. Then I caught a cold. That and the lack of sleep lately combined to make the asthma ROAR back.  Can't breathe.  BACK to the doctor.  My doctor is overloaded with patients, apparently.  I HAD a doctor I loved, one who took the time to really listen to me and to treat the WHOLE me, not just the symptom. He was always backed up with patients , so they reassigned him to have NO regular patients.  I was NOT happy, let me tell you!  My current doctor barely makes it into the room when he is thinking of the next patient.  It's a sad state of affairs when you know your doctor is just trying to figure out what it will take to get you out of the office quickly so he can "hit his mark" and see all the patients he has for the day. I want to cure the problem, not just mask the symptoms.  Medical care these days seems to want to roll a pill at something and shove you out of the office.  I feel like a car on the assembly line.  NEXT!  This doctor tried to put me on Prednizone.  I hate that.  It makes me edgy and irritable.  I don't need meds for that   I am ALREADY edgy and irritable. I told him no thank you.

Over the next few weeks, I am going to buckle down and see what I can do to manage my asthma with LESS medication.  The present solution is to double up on the meds until it stabilizes.  I hate that.  Sometimes, I think Big Pharma is more the problem than the solution, that we have become so dependent on pharmaceutical, we forget that our bodies may just  need more water and more sleep, or are reacting to something we are eating.  Don't know, but for now, I am breathing, not wheezing.

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