Friday, November 16, 2012

No Whining, Part 3

It's my first day of "real" vacation- yesterday I WAS off, but working for my Union.  I am the current election chair.  I am disappointed that only HALF of those eligible  to vote cast a ballot.  Yet, these people will whine, moan and complain that "THEIR" Union isn't doing anything for them.  uh..  HELLO?????  YOU ARE the Union.  If you don't participate in the process, then you are letting someone else make your decisions for you.  We will be having another election regarding affiliation in December.  I am going to be working on a GOTV on this.  My angle is simple.  Inform yourself.  Vote the way that works best for you.  Someone told me that as a Steward, it's my place to tell our member how to vote.  I humbly disagree.  We are a Union of educated professionals.  My responsibility, as I see it, is to guide them to the information and LET THEM MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICE!   We are grown ups ( well, most of us)

So.. what am I doing today?  That's RIGHT- I am off to Kaiser.  I give up.  The asthma is winning and I need bigger ammo to beat it  down.  I am going to DEMAND a breathing treatment.  Chris and I are celebrating our 3rd anniversary with a real, honest to goodness weekend of time alone!  Asthma would just be a third wheel here.

Just in case you think I forgot, here are my" thankfuls " for today

Medical care
Vacation Days
My neighbors ( one of whom came over this morning to DEMAND I go to the doctor!  She said she was worried about me)


  1. Yeah! Well I am going to the December LG meeting.. it's been too long, you're right.

  2. Good for you. Our unions are only as strong as their members.


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