Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election ramblings

Now that the election is over, I will be glad to move forward and not be bombarded with political ads and my mailbox will not be full of slick mailers ( which I do not read, they go right into the bin).  I will NOT be getting phone calls, asking me who I am voting for.  I never tell anyone who calls.  The ballots are SECRET for a reason, I figure.  My friends who are on the other side of the political arena and I can get back to talking about things that really matter- like music and children and how they are doing health-wise.  Now is the time to heal.  I think we should all remain a part of the political process as we try to make our country strong again.  Lincoln said "A house divided against itself cannot stand"  We need to come TOGETHER to figure out how to fix the problems, not argue about who caused the mess, but work to get it fixed.  We waste time and energy blaming one another.  What is, IS.  What we need to do is to try to use our intellect to make a change in what is.  Both parties need to look at what is best for America, not just one group of American, but for all of us.  It is not going to be easy and not without pain, but we can do it if we work together.  Now that Obama is in his last term, maybe those whose stated objective was to see him fail will shelve that and begin to look to the future of this county.  There are larger issues here than whose party is in "power".  ONLY by working together can we repair this country and move forward.

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