Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trying not to whine, Part II

I will say this to start with , I do not enjoy political discussions with people who resort to name calling and then slyly deny they meant anything by it.  I guess I am not cut out for politics.  There is only one person who does this and I have blocked him ( yeah I had to resort to that) so he probably won't be reading the blog.  Those of you with whom I have had "friendly" disagreements with, I treasure our friendship.  But on to the thankful portion of my day

I am thankful for:
My family
Libraries ( yeah I know I work in one, but don't they just make life BETTER?)
The internet- I have found friends and family and music and LOVE via the internet
People with a sense of humor
Memories of my father and my mother and some of the things they would always say to me.  I find myself  "channeling' them both, more and more these days.

I know that is only 5 but I am going to be late if I don't stop this for now.   I am doing some work for my Union this morning, before I begin my much needed vacation- HEY   I am thankful for VACATIONS!

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