Sunday, November 18, 2012

Great meal!

It's our anniversary,sort of, so I wanted to go someplace off the beaten track for our celebration meal.  We are in San Diego so we looked on Yelp for places that fit the following:  Not to terribly expensive, casual attire  and NOT a chain.  We found it in ""Pomegranate"  advertised as Eastern European /Russian.  I had had Russian food before, but Chris did not know what to expect.

We arrived at the little restaurant which is next to a bar in the College section of town.  The decor was eclectic; bench seating at marble tabletops which were braced on rough-hewn logs.  The person who seated us was apparently one of the owners. We asked about beer.  They have 67 types I think he said,  We described what we were looking for and he brought us a perfect match.  For those of you who know me, I don't usually drink beer, but this type of food calls for it.  We ordered an appetizer of a meat pastry that came with a delicious yogurt dill sauce.  So far so good!  They brought us two kinds of bread, a light flaky roll and some very dark, almost wet rye bread.  Yummy.  Then the food came!  Chris got a barbecued lamb skewer and I got a house specialty, a chicken dish called ( I believe) Georgian Eagle.  Both dishes were large and very satisfying. The lamb had a sweet glaze and my chicken was smothered in all kinds of veggies with LOADS of garlic.  I love garlic.  It was heavenly.

We were stuffed but I had to try the dessert.  The waitress recommended the honey cake.  She was right! It was like a cheesecake but MUCH lighter.  Chris at first declined but I made him try a bite.  We did not intend to, but we finished the whole plate.  WOW

This is a place to check out, the price was modest for what we got, the service was great. I am both glad and upset that it's not closer to us. I would probably eat there far too often if it weren't a three hour drive.

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