Lately, all I seem to be doing and all I seem to be hearing is whining and complaining. The elections are over and people are acting like it's the End Of the World. All those States petitioning to secede? Because your guy lost? Whatever happened to making this a better Nation and contributing? How Kindergarten is it to "take your toys and go home" I would like to think the Democrats would not have reacted this way, but I honestly don't know. My own blogs seem to point more toward complaint than resolution. So...
It's almost Thanksgiving and I am not doing that thing on Facebook where you post once a day what you are thankful for. Maybe I will try to come up with a list of thirty and see how it stacks up. For today, I am thankful for:
My husband
Work that means something
Beautiful clear crisp November days
Food in my kitchen
a good night's sleep
My apartment and the fact that I have a place to call home
There. That's ten. More tomorrow, I think.
Totally inspiring.. think I'll do this too! :) and I am thanking life for you & Chris :) xoxo