Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rest In Peace Maggie Costa

I woke up this morning, fully intending to talk about the importance of casting a ballot.  The first post I read was from my friend Janice, telling us that Maggie has crossed over.  She had hoped to make it to the New Year.  I am stunned.  She went so quickly.   My heart grieves for her family.  Life is just not fair and this is just another reminder of that.  So today, I will think about her and try to remember to be a little more patient.  I will try to remember that Maggie is in a place where she is free of pain and worry.  We never got the chance to meet in person, but I considered her a friend.  She fiercely loved the 49ers and the band America, which was our bond.  Maggie, in the words of the song whose title was your screen name "I'm gonna miss you, yes I will."   I wish we had been able to enjoy a beer and a concert together.  You will be in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. i saw this on google. i just found out she passed. i knew her in the mid to late seventies. how did she die? do you know how i can get in touch with her siblings, i have pics of her to give them. avaspengma@yahoo.com


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