Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Samhain

Happy Samhain,everyone.  Yes I know what you are thinking.  It's HALLOWEEN, but really Halloween is just a sanitized and commercialized version of a Pagan ( yes PAGAN) holiday, which honors the dead.  As I remember, this is the time of year when the veil between the dead and the living is at it's thinnest point and communication may pass between the two worlds.  Some say the door between the two worlds is opened and all manner of fairies and other "other-worldly" spirits may come into the land of the living.  Food was offered and people hid their true identities behind masks to avoid trouble. Parts of the holiday were assimilated into the Christian rituals that we associate with Halloween, when it became All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saints Day.  I may be getting this wrong, but that's MY story and I'm sticking to it.

When the kids come to the door and yell "Trick or Treat!"  I smile and say "trick"   they don't get it.  The thing about the phrase is that the kids are mock threatening to play a trick on you if you don't give them a treat.  Kids theses days don't understand that.  They just think it means they get candy.  Sigh.  We used to carry soap slivers and put soap on the windows of homes that did not participate.  Don't tell anyone!  Do you suppose the statute of limitations has expired after more than 40 years?  I hope so!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Customer Service

I don't know, but maybe I am too old fashioned.  I believe in customer service.  Not " the customer is always right" but that the customer deserves for you to listen and try to help them.  I do not shop at Ralph's for this reason.  They seem to have - along with MUCH higher prices- an elitist attitude, something akin to Gelsons market.  It's "if you can't find it yourself, you shouldn't shop here"  Recently, I went to Ralph's to buy a Tap card. That's a bus pass.  I asked if they sold them, at the CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK.  "yes" the woman said, looking in the drawer where they kept them.  "Go to any checker"  She waves me away, then walks away from me, leaving me standing there.  I call out after her"Do you reload passes"  Only seniors, she yells over her shoulder.  Ok, then.  I get in one line, only to be told this checker has NO idea what I am talking about. I get into ANOTHER line.  The guy tells me they only load SET amounts AND the card will cost me TWO dollars ( which is one more than if I buy it at the subway station.)  Nope.  Not doing it.  Whenever I go to any Ralph's they don't want to tell you where anything is, just wave their arm in an arching gesture toward the general vicinity of the item in question with an "over there" answer.  No wonder I shop at Vons.

Back when I worke d in branch libraries, we were not supposed to answer patrons questions.  I could see not doing reference, but when I was shelving in the cookbooks and a patron asked me where the cookbooks are, it seemed silly to send them to the librarian and have them both troop back to where I was standing.  I would get that "lazy woker!" vibe from the patron, so I began saying "if I were standing in front of the books "generally, they are here ( making a sweeping gesture) but if you need something specific, please ask the librarian"  Also if they had a call number, I would help them find it.  It was better than acting as if I didn't KNOW where stuff was.  As a messenger-clerk ( that's what we call shelvers) I often knew the collection better than the librarian ( a sub or a part timer).  Heck I had my hands in it every day.

I know it's a different working world these days, but whatever happened to common courtesy? Not so common anymore I guess.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Off track

Well, I am off track for posting my promised writing due to a very busy week, where I traveled almost 1,000 miles.  YUCK.  I don't want to be in the car again for a long time, but I will be making the trek AGAIN this week to make one last round. 

I am thinking about Hurricane Sandy and all those in her path. The storm is massive.  I have never been in a hurricane, but what I am seeing here makes Katrina look like a picnic.  This is going to be bad.  I know that the President has already begun to make plans for emergency relief and help for those Americans caught in harms way.  You can prepare as much as you think you should, but sometimes the force of nature is much rougher than you anticipate.  The Republicans will probably attack Obama for his actions- whatever they are, they are going to whine about him being wrong.  Either he will have responded to quickly, or too slowly, or with too much aid or not enough aid. Watch.  As my father used to say "you can't win for losing" There will be very little pulling together in a time of crisis.  National disasters should unite us, not divide us.  Send prayers and good thoughts to those who are riding the storm out.  May they be safe from harm.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Elections and angry people

I can hardly wait for this election to be over.  I am tired of people calling me names or implying I am an idiot or will be sorry if I don't vote the way they do.  Whatever happened to civil discourse, the RIGHT to disagree?  Thomas Payne said "I may not agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it."  I TRY my best to remain civil, but some people just manage to push my buttons and no matter how I try to deflect the discussion, they seem to want to press their case.  So, finally and for the record- I am voting for President Obama.  No nastygram, no email , no blog, no posted meme is going to change that. So STOP.  I have a right to vote my convictions and will exercise that right on November 6.  I am certain you will do the same.  I hope you vote.  We have a precious gift in this country; we are able to go to the polls and vote.  We are able to openly disagree with the direction of our government and to make our opinions known, both in Community forums and in the poling place.  We do not live in fear of being hauled off to jail- except if you advocate killing someone in public office as a means of getting rid of them.  So vote.  Just don't try to tell me what to think.  If you know me, you know that's not going to get you very far.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Coffee and relief

 It's early on Saturday morning and I am home again, sitting at my computer drinking a strong cup of Joe and thinking about this last week. Those of you who know me know I have been worried sick about my daughter, Kate and the fact that she was facing surgery.  I am pleased to report, that after a two  hour surgical procedure, she is home and ( hopefully) resting comfortably.  The surgeon, bless his heart, tried to show me some of what he did.  I was interested, sure, but the cutting was too much for me.  I could not divorce myself from the fact that this was my baby girl I was looking at.  She will be ok thought and that's the main thing. It was a heck of a trek.  I made three complete trips to 29 Palms- a 150 each way.  I love my daughter.  We have had our ups and downs, but I never ever stopped loving her.  I need to make two more trips to complete this medical journey with her.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Missing days

The last few days, I have been in the car for way too many hours.  I am about to embark on the last phase of this journey.  The results will be fine.  But I am late leaving already.  Sigh.

Last night we went out to see a band from Sydney who were playing in Venice.  The name of the band is Winter People.  Check them out on Facebook, or if you are in the Silverlake area tonight at the Satellite at 9 pm.  If you are in the area - GO!  They have a unique sound I really enjoyed.  They put on a great show.

I will post my thoughts on my current situation more when I land in 29- or not.  I am so tired it's hard to think about what lies ahead. LOTS more driving, that's for sure.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Reading" while driving across the Desert

I really don't like driving across the desert at night, but that is exactly what I was doing last night, listening to a book on cd.  I am two cd's into it and STILL don't know if there is a plot.  The book is"The Unbearable Lightness of scones" is an Alexander McCall Smith book.  I just know there are a few people I don't like.  I guess I listen to too many murder mysteries.  I keep waiting for the shallow bride to get whacked.  I am hoping "The Hobbit" on cd will be in when I get back to work tomorrow.  I have read the Hobbit, but that was  years ago when I was a teenager.  It was ok, but someone told me there is a subtle humor in the book.  I am sure as a teen I missed that.  I am looking forward to hearing it.

I am driving back and forth to 29 Palms over the next few days.  My husband thoughfully made me a cd of music to help me stay awake when I am on a solo drive.  It's three complete trips back and forth.  Crazy, but at least it's autumn and not like driving across the surface of the sun.  October is nice out here, like April is nice out here.  Those are the only months where the temps are not so extreme, in my mind.  Too hot in the summer and bitterly cold in the winter.  It can be beautiful, last night the sky was filled with stars.  I KNOW the stars are always there, but we do not see them in the city.  People do not realize how COLD it gets out here.  There is sometimes snow in the higher elevations.  IT even snowed here once.  When my parents first moved here, they got snow the first winter.  I remember my mom being fit to be tied.  They had moved from New York to escape the snow.  She called me, just beside herself.  When I could get her to slow down she said "he moved me out to the g. d. desert and it's g.d. snowing!"    We get snow sometimes up where I live too, but it's a rarity rather than the norm.

If the book I am "reading" ever really gets  a plot, I'll let you know.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, Monday....

Once again, I am up early making something to eat for dinner- yea, spaghetti and meatballs are in the slow cooker.  It's going to be a long few days and I wanted to leave Chris some decent food as I head out to 29 tonight - then BACK to LA Wednesday then out to 29 Thursday.  I am tired JUST thinking about it.    But I love my daughter, so these things must be done.  Coffee and 5-hour energy is my new best friend.

I got into an argument with someone that George McGovern would have been a supporter of Romney/Ryan based SOLELY on the throw-away remark that he wished he had understood how business works before going to DC.  HUH?  Newsflash!  The man was a LIBERAL, a label conservatives use as a curse- as if caring about others is a BAD thing.   Since Senator McGovern is dead, he can't refute those who are trying to co-opt him as one of their own.  Sheesh.  I am not saying all conservatives are not passionate about the environment, or the public good, but the ultra-right seems to think that if you don't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, you are lazy.  I had to LAUGH when I read that Romney's folks had a GOVERNMENT HANDOUT upon their return to the US.  His mom did an interview where she talked about how it helped them get back on their feet.  THAT is what it's supposed to do- help you through a rough patch.  It's just that her son seems to have forgotten THAT part of the family history.  I will say this again.  I will be glad when the election is over and all the nastiness associated with it can settle down some.  I like my conservative friends.  Having a difference of opinion is one of our basic rights.  I don't like it when it defaults to name calling.  Did you miss that part of debate class?  Discuss, add facts with passion, but name calling only looks bad on YOU.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

McGroarty Arts Center

I am up at o-dark hundred, baking a quiche to make it up to my fellow Facilites Committee Members at the McGroarty Arts Center for an early Sunday morning meeting.  Through a series of miscommunications, we are meeting on Sunday, as it is required in our by-laws that we meet quarterly.  We are going to discuss, among other things, replacing the chainlink fence on the porch.  Not only is it really UGLY, it's not really doing it's job of keeping people from falling.  Last year at the Holiday Boutique, Willow and I kept slipping through the gap between the fence and the edge of the porch- well Willow more than me, as I am a good sized girl.  Willow is a mere slip of a girl!  The question will be, how much will it cost to replace it with a nicer fence that will add to the house and how quickly can we raise the funds to do it.

If you have never been to McGroarty House ( and why NOT)  You really should check it out.  It's this wonderful old home in the Tujunga foothills, that is the home to our local Community Arts Center.  We have some terrific classes; not JUST  a world class ceramics program, but something for everyone.  I have yet to find time for a class( belly dancing looks like fun!).  I was drawn to it by a number of factors, not the least of which is our Mission "Affordable Art education for everyone" 
We are getting ready for this year's Holiday Boutique on December 15.  Mark your calendars!  The Boutique will feature a number of local vendors selling their wares ( vendor approval is still pending as I write this) the opportunity to purchase some student art AND the BEST PART of the event a chili bowl and bake sale.  The chili bowl sale works like this.  You purchase a one-of - a kind HANDMADE bowl, created at the center by our very talented group of students and faculty.  for a mere ten dollars you get a wonderful bowl you can keep AND fill with some outstanding chili.  That's right  HOME MADE chili!  Afterward, save room for dessert, as the overflowing baked goods table is not to be missed.  Do I have your attention yet?  Good. 

Check out the Center.  They have some very cool classes and programs throughout the year.  Get on the mailing list (or, to be cliche "like us on Facebook)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Late in the evening

It's late in the evening, most people who know me know I should be in bed by now.  I have a meeting in the early morning, but sleep has been elusive lately. 

What's running through my head ?  As Mel Brooks says in "History of the World, Part 1"  Politics, Politics Politics"  I am looking at the malarkey ( my Dad used to use that word a lot!) being tossed about by local politicians and those behind the Propositions.  I am sick to death of lies, lies lies ( isn't that a song from the 80s'?)  Prop 32 says it will prevent  Unions from taking money from automatic deductions on employees paychecks and will prevent them from contributing to causes employees don't believe in.  What they DON'T tell you is who is behind it.  That's right, all the people who are EXEMPT from the law.  The Koch brothers .Those guys who were behind the  changes to worker's rights in Wisconsin  So often the word "Union" is demonized, as if they were evil and run by people who's only interest is contrary to serving the public good.  UNIONS are made up of WORKERS which apparently  scares the crap out of big business.  The ads out there about how unions are stealing from workers would be laughable if people didn't believe it.  We need unions, to protect the worker from Big Business.  The Koch Brothers are living proof that the plight of the American worker is precarious, protected only by unions who will continue to fight to keep a safe workplace.  Look at who is behind the Propositions and READ them before you believe the hype.  No on 32!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday morning- nothing much in my head!

I usually look at the news first thing, but I haven't even gotten there.  To say the least, I am distracted this morning.  Too much on my plate.  I need to learn to slow down, to just breathe.  It's hard these days.  Things are flying at me so fast, I feel like I am playing dodgeball.  I need to remember my mantra "Just do what comes next."  People who are happiest seem to be able to live in the moment.  I need to slow it down and remember how to do that!

I am looking forward to the weekend, but WHO ordered the weather this week?  Hot as heck one day, rainy and humid the next.  I don't know how to dress.  The other day I left the house and went back for my raincoat.  THEN it got sunny.... Oh my.

I woke up this morning, for some reason, thinking about the very first Rock show I went to, James Taylor.  The Section opened for them, in what I seem to recall was their very first public performance.  I remember Danny Kortchmar saying he had been throwing up backstage ( there's a HUGE case of TMI) and thinking "I hope that doesn't continue ONSTAGE. "  I was thirteen.  It was wonderful and magical and very exciting!  I still get a thrill, going to concerts, over 40 years later.  I love when the houselights go out and the band ambles onto the stage.  For bands I know, I try to guess what the opening song will be.  It's still fun!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Interesting Days

I always say "The Fun never stops at the Fun Factory"  when I am at work. Yesterday was case in point. I never know what is going to be going on and answering the phone can be an adventure.  First thing out of the box yesterday was a call from a branch where a large glass wall has shattered into a zillion pieces.  This was an interior divider, it went floor to ceiling, about 12 feet high and four feet wide. It was about two inches thick. It was all over the place.  We have no clue as to what happened ( well, I have my suspicions, but nothing concrete).  The day moved on to it's usual round of stopped up toilets, non working air conditioning, Lizards in the water cooler- HUH?  Yep.  One of our branches had a ten inch alligator lizard trapped in the water cooler.  ( Yes I was singing  "Alligator lizard in the branch" I got into on the America Fans web page a few years ago, with someone who INSISTED that there was NO SUCH THING as an Alligator lizard and the song refereed to pieces of tire flying in the air.  uh-huh...) My final "official" phone call of the day went something like this.  Hi , I am looking over your A&I requests and about your garbage disposal..."  (Staff reply)  Pause...  " a garbage disposal is a machine you put under the sink that gets rid of..."  ( Me)  I KNOW what a garbage disposal is, I wanted to see if you had tried to reset it, or if it's really dead.  It's not an A&I anyway"   (Staff) "oh"  ( she had been working WAY too hard!)  Unofficially, my last phone calls of the day were taken in my kitchen as we tried to get someone out to work on a broken lock at one of the branches.  This was about 9:30 last night.  We got it done.

I have an interesting job.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A sad message from a friend

Yesterday, we received a message from a friend on Facebook.  I have "known" this woman for many years, but like a lot of my cyber-friends, we have never met in person.  She had been absent from the cyber world, and I knew that she had been in the hospital , awaiting treatment for lymphoma.  She had been looking at a stem cell transplant.  I thought that she was off-line because of the treatment.  Yesterday's email gave us the sad news that she is losing her battle.  Her message was full of love and courage.  She is making plans for her final days with determination.  She said she hopes she makes it to the New Year.  I pray she does. 

I was thinking about the screen name she used in the chat-room where we met.  We are all fans of the band America.  She chose the song "To each his own"  The lyric running through my head right now is "I'm gonna miss you, yes I will. No matter who you are I love you still"

Please send love, prayers or just good thoughts out to my friend Maggie and her family.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Riordan's pension plan

Former LA Mayor Richard Riordan has come up with a new plan to screw City workers.  He wants to create a new pension system.  I have been working for the City of Los Angeles for 36 years.  I didn't take the "sweet deal" and retire because I wasn't old enough.  Now I am thinking I will NEVER be able to retire, as the City starts looking to correct their fiscal mistakes by changing the pension fund.   Let me clarify a few misconceptions here.  I have been paying into the City pension fund since I became a full time Civil service employee in 1983.  I have been paying 6%, which I believe is the current rate people pay into Social Security.  I have n\been working for the City since I was eighteen, I NEVER paid into Social Security, so I don't have that to fall back on. I ONLY have the pension I have been paying into for almost 30 years.  This year, They upped my contribution to 11%, to pay for the fiasco of the "early retirement" deal that was supposed to help stabilize the budget and save a ton of money.  What it DID was throw departments into chaos as places lost a substantial amount of the workforce it could not replace.  There was a job freeze.  I lost THREE supervisors.  There was NO ONE in charge in my division.  How that helps, I am flummoxed to know.  I currently also pay FIVE percent toward my medical benefits ( not FOUR as the current Mayor is saying in the papers).  I also have a 40 hour furlough requirement to fulfill.  I am the only person in my department who does what I do.  When I am not there, my already overworked colleagues try to take up the slack, but some things just don't get done till I get back.   I was reading how they are fussing about banked vacation and other overtime and how we should take it.  A vacation is so you can relax, right?  How can I relax   Knowing there will be a mountain of work awaiting me upon my return?  Some of my colleagues try to read their email when they are on vacation, just to keep it at bay.  We are not supposed to do that, but people do.

One of the things in the plan that REALLY ticks me off is the uneven structure of contributions.  DWP - who are ALREADY paid substantially more than  I am for the same type of work, will pay 6 % while mine will go up to 14?  Nice.  Their pension fund is different than mine and maybe the City didn't screw theirs up as badly.  Still , they should be paying the same amount, since a larger percent of a larger salary equals more money in the kitty.

The article I read said it will cost MILLIONS to get the pension reform on the ballot.  I have a crazy idea.  Hey DICK RIORDAN, why not just contribute the money to the City to get them out of the fiscal hole they are in.  The contributions and reforms that are already in the works were supposed to fix the problems politicians like you created for us.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Extended Hours

If you live in Los Angeles, you should know that today begins longer operating hours at the library.  we will be open until 8 four nights a week and all day on Fridays now.  Due to a series of unforeseen problems, we DON'T have the permanent people in place yet and our folks will do what they always do- make do!  I am hopeful that the staffing level situation will be resolved quickly, as it puts quite a strain on our regular people.  I had a disturbing conversation though with a person who works on my floor.  THIS person, I MUST point out, is NOT in a position of authority ( thankfully).  This person said  that they were not concerned with the staffing issue, as THEIR office was fully staffed and as such the problem did not effect them.  WHAT?  This person obvious fails to understand that we all work for the same department and what impacts a part of the staff eventually impacts us all.  I found this person's callous disregard for their fellow employees to be the most distressing of all.  Now, I know that to some people a job is a job and you show up, do your thing, and get a paycheck.  I don't get that.  You work alongside other human beings and you don't care about them?  I guess I was raised differently.  Maybe it makes me "weak" in the eyes of those whose only motivation is a larger paycheck.  If I wanted more money, I probably would not be doing what I do.  I enjoy my job.  I think the Library makes a difference in peoples lives.  I like my co-workers ( for the most part, as you will always find one  or two people in a group this size that you can only tolerate).
So think a good thought today.  Drop by your local library and tell them how glad you are that they are there.  I just hope the lights don't turn off at 6 pm!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Shouldn't Sunday be a day of rest?  No rest for the wicked, as they say.  I find myself super busy this Sunday- SO busy in fact it is Noon- almost 1 and I am just now sitting down at the computer to think about things.  Making granola and doing laundry. The housework fairies must be on strike. 

We did not go down to Expo Park last night to see the Shuttle.  GOOD thing, as of 9:30 this morning it was still on the street.  Typical LA traffic!  No wonder people leave Dodger games early.  We all decided to wait until it gets settled in then go down to see it.  Probably in about six months.  We wound up watching a movie-Pythagoras-last night.  Weird movie.  Plot holes so big you could drive a semi through them. It looks like the beginning of a new "series" of films, it links to the "Alien" and "Predator" films- it's the prequel.    I never was a big fan of slimy monsters, but the cinematography was interesting.  I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how they did certain effects.

Yesterday afternoon, we were treated to an hour of Hawaiian (and other) music with Shawn Ishimoto.  We love Shawn and it was nice to hear him in the "intimate" setting of the Pacoima Branch Library.  I used to work there, in the old building.  It was fun to be in the branch and NOT be working.

I got an email about a band that is worth checking out "Winter People".  They are from Australia and will be in Silverlake on October 25.  UNFORTUNATELY I will not be able to go that night.  I have something to do that cannot be changed.   Sigh. I REALLY wanted to go. Check them out. They have a Facebook page.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


I think sleep is wildly unappreciated. I know I used to take it for granted that I would tuck up under the blanket and fall fast asleep and not wake up until morning.  Not the case anymore, sad to say.  I have been trying to figure out the cause, so I can get a decent night's rest.  Nothing is worse than having the alarm go off and feeling like I haven't slept at all. Sometimes I think I am more tired than if I hadn't been to bed at all and wonder if I should not just have stayed up all night doing something productive.  The cycle of  asleep-awake- asleep-awake is more tiring than no sleep at all sometimes.  I am Miss Cranky Pants when I am tired.  I like sleep.  I love a nap in the afternoon, or getting under the covers on a cold night and feeling the warm drowsy feeling take over me.  I saw a t-shirt that said something like "I want to take all the naps I missed as a toddler"  I don't think I missed any naps.  I think I got an "A " in nap.  My dad said that I would take myself off to bed when I was tired no matter what was going on- unlike my sister who would stay up as long as humanly possible.

So why is it so hard to sleep when you reach a "certain vintage'?  Menopause?  Stress?   Worry?  In my case, probably all of the above coupled with a recent vehement return of my asthma issues.  Shoot. I am working on it.  Back on qvar and last night I FINALLY got a full night's rest.  Ready to go out and have some fun today!   If you are in the neighborhood, drop by the Pacoima Library  13605 Van Nuys Bl (at  Haddon)  at 1 pm to hear my friend Shawn Ishimoto perform.  He's an amazing one-man show.  There MAY be some hula dancers as well.  See you there.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday musings

I have to admit, my asthma is raging out of control and I need to get back to the doctor.  Ugh.  I hate going to the doctor.  My current one is leaving before he gets into the room.  The problem with Kaiser is that it is now a business that needs to make money so the doctors are on a schedule.  You get maybe 10 minutes to talk to your doctor, if you are lucky.  It has this whole assembly line feel to it.  I guess I have to go, though.  This guy took me OFF my maintenance meds and just gave me the rescue inhaler.   yeah that's working.  I wake up gasping for air and in the morning am more tired than if I hadn't slept at all.

Re the Vice presidential debates-people are lining up strongly along party lines on this one so I will just say, I am a Democrat.  I was pleased to hear the lively back and forth on this and it WAS a much better debate than the first presidential one.  I think Joe Biden was a revelation.  His showing was so much better than the lackluster debate he had with Palin four years ago.  I know my Republican friends are going to comment, but  he did EXACTLY what Romney did, including the facial expressions.  Romney made faces ( as much as his face seems to be able to move) during the first debate.  Romney's supporters called what he did "aggressive"  I thought it was "rude" .  Now the shoe is on the other foot.  People are going to spin this anyway they like, and say Ryan won the debate.  I don't think he did.

Space Shuttle Endeavor moves to her new home tomorrow.  We are going to try to get down there for the festivities.  Going to take the red line and the expo line to do it.  Sound like madness but it should be a good time!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Honey Boo-Boo and other dysfunctions

I don't get the appeal of Honey Boo- Boo and her family.  I have watched about thirty seconds of her antics.  I don't know who I want to slap- I think I am leaning toward her mother.  What I have seen is bratty behavior, encouraged by a "Stage Mother" of the worst order. What may be considered "cute" in a four year old is going to be Hell on Wheels in a thirteen year old.. Her mother dresses that poor child up and gives her "go-go" juice to caffeinate the heck out of her to produce an 'entertaining" pageant performance?  If this kid were an animal, PETA would be all over this!  I am not advocating "Child Protective Services"  but this is a train wreck.  I certainly hope that they are putting some away of the money they are getting for dragging their lives into the public arena.  That girl is going to need therapy.

I wonder why we are drawn to these "reality" shows, that if they are not heavily scripted are certainly "guided" in a direction.  Let's face it, most real life is dull, punctuated with stretches of fun and some amazing things.  I know I wouldn't watch a show about MY life, for instance.  So what makes the lives of Honey Boo-Boo and the Kardashian sisters ( and the Jenner sisters thrown in to boot) something we waste time on?  Is it the "I can't believe someone would do or say that" factor?  Or  is it a kind of schadenfreude;  the relief that our lives may be dull but we don't have the problems thes people do?  I would rather watch a well written drama or a comedy, but those seem to be hard to find on television these days.  I have yet to find a show that I rework my night around, that I want to be home for and am upset if I miss it.  I don't have TiVo or whatever that thing is where you can record a show and watch it later.  TV isn't that big a deal to me anymore, so paying for the service was not something my budget really needed to absorb.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Writer's Block

Sitting in my kitchen, trying to keep my promise to write SOMETHING every day.  I've got nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  So what do I write about?  that's right!  Writer's Block.  I wonder how writer's actually do this, create characters and stories.  I used to write more; bad poetry short stories so bad that they weren't worth the paper they were written on.    Never anything really sell-able, but I guess it was more for the process of creating something, of putting what was rolling around in my head down on paper.  I wonder if it is possible for me to come up with a story and a character and follow them to a logical conclusion.  I love writing what's called "Flash" fiction.  A REALLY short story that is more a sketch than a story.  I may try to do some more of that.  If I do, and I think it's worth a shot and IF I think it's worth sharing, I will add it here.  as of now, there is still nothing!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Birtday, John Lennon

Today marks what would have been ( I think) the 72nd birthday of John Lennon. Today is also Sean Lennon's birthday, so Happy Birthday Sean!  When I think of John, I try not to remember how he died, but  rather how he lived.  I remember being allowed to watch the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show and having a HUGE poster on my wall as a kid.  The Beatles created the music that catapulted Rock and Roll into the mainstream music world.  Our parents hated them.  We loved them.   It must have been hard to be such a public figure, John made a lot of mis-steps as far as PR might be concerned, but he remained true to himself.  The tragedy of his death is that he was coming back into the musical world that had truly missed him.  I can only wonder what songs he would have created had he not been so cruelly taken. His album "Double Fantasy" was terrific.  John was irreverent, cheeky and we loved that about him.  I think the songs he created with Paul McCartney are some of the best ever.  He gave edge to Paul's sweetness and Paul gave sweetness to his edge.  I loved the silly Beatles movies.  I even tried to watch "How I won the War"  a movie in which John plays a soldier called Gripweed.  John is also supposed to be somewhere in Monty Python's Holy Grail.  I believe he is the flute player among Sir Robin's minstrels.  I never could confirm that one.

The funny thing about the Beatles for me is this.  My father HATED them, made all kinds of remarks about their musicianship ( although we were allowed to listen to the music, they never forbade it)  Years later, he made an offhand remark to me about how much he appreciated a Beatles song that was playing in a restaurant  where we were eating dinner.  He said "Boy , they sure wrote some good songs!"  It's a good thing I was sitting down when he said that.

John was more than his Beatle personae.  He was a writer and artist and an actor.  He was a gift to the world, taken from us far too soon.   Happy Birthday, John.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day

I had the luxury of not having to get up at O-Dark -hundred this morning.  It's one of those weird City Holidays that isn't really about anything.  At least it doesn't mean anything to me. It's the day we remember and celebrate the fiction that Christopher Columbus "discovered" the "New World"  uh-huh.  The fact that he encountered PEOPLE there when he got there?   We can just overlook  that little detail.  We ALL know North America didn't even exist until some Italian guy stuck his foot on it.  So Happy "I don't have to go to work today" Day. I wonder why we celebrate "Columbus Day" at all?

Still it was kind of weird to send my husband off to work while I stayed home. I felt like a 1950's housewife, sending him out the door with a lunch I had packed for him.  Usually I am out the door around the time he is easing into his day. I have a usual routine and in our small place, it's best to stay out of my way while I get myself ready for work.  Today, I plan to do things I should have done this weekend.  I was still a bit asthmatic and slept a lot.  I have granola to make and cupcakes to bake and I need to get that going before it gets too hot in the house.

I'd better get to it!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sheriff John

I read, with some dismay this morning, that Sheriff John passed away at the age of 93.  He was such a big part of my childhood, as I am sure he was for a lot of my LA area baby boomer friends. By today' standards, the television shows that were produced locally, like Sheriff John and Engineer Bill would be considered cheesy. Who of our generation does not remember "Laugh and be happy" or "Put another candle on your birthday cake" ( which I believe was actually called the Birthday Polka)?   The article said he also led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and said a prayer before we all sat down to "have lunch" together.   It was a different  time.  Saying the Pledge was part of the daily ritual, people were more in line with the patriotic feeling of being an American,most of our fathers had fought in World War II or Korea. There was not a lot of talk about offending someone.  It makes me wonder if we don't give up our right to believe in something, if we don't follow OUR beliefs for fear of insulting someone.  my Dad used to say "your rights end at my nose"  I think about that sentiment a lot these days.

I remember being allowed to "eat" with Sheriff John and with Engineer Bill.  I actually remember meeting Engineer Bill.  They brought his Engine in on the back of a flatbed truck and he waved to all of us from the cab   What a thrill for a fan, huh?  

So rest in peace, Sheriff John. Thank you for reminding me to "Laugh and be happy" As someone said 10-7, end of watch (ironic that this IS also 10/7, 10-7 is police code for "Out of Service' or "end of Watch")

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Shirley Temple movies

I woke up, having had the strangest dream about Shirley Temple Movies.  In the dream, I was a film editor and I was working on editing "The Wizard of Oz" but I kept complaining to my colleagues that the cuts they were making to the film were not good.  Literally, they were cutting the heads off the actors and splicing them back together  them and you could see the cuts when the film played.  I left the room, past my colleague who was smoking a cigarette in the hall and told him "Don't lock the door, I'll be right back."   I went out the door to a large round garden where everything was sepia toned. Everything.  Someone explained that they were making a new Shirley Temple film, but since Shirley was too old to do it, that they had a fake Shirley and the sepia would hide everything.  Fake Shirley was baking cupcakes but announced she had to ride off with the cowboys, and she did.  They were immediately chased by a bunch of "Indians" in that faux headdress favored in 1930's films.   Every "Indian"  was lying flat on the horse, their headdresses lying flat across their backs all the way to the tail of the horse. On closer inspection, the headdress was tree branches and the sepia made the leaves look like feathers. The "Indians" were really frightened housewives ( again wearing clothing appropriate to a 30's stereotype) and they were clinging not to reins, but the handles of baby buggies.  Nyquil dreams, I suppose.

I got up thinking about Shirley Temple films, the real ones not the one they were making in my dream.  I loved Shirley as a kid, but thinking about them as an adult, they kind of give me the creeps.  In "poor Little Rich Girl"  she charms this old guy into letting her and her pretend parents into letting them be on the radio show.  The whole scene is so pedophile creepy, I couldn't watch it.  "Susannah of the Mounties"?  She's the only survivor of an Indian attack and she comes out smiling and singing?  Huh?   I love Shirley's talent and the first class actors whose work make her films worth watching, but the story lines are just something awful.  They were knocking them out as fast as possible, it WAS the Depression and the films were very popular escapist fare.  Looking at them with a modern eye, some of it just makes my skin crawl.  You cannot apply a modern mindset to things created in the past, but must look at it as a piece of history and learn from it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday's random- and I do mean random - thoughts

As I am waiting for the  coffee to finish brewing, I am thinking about a lot of things, totally unfocused.  I hope the coffee will help!

Can anyone tell me why the gas prices always seem to fluctuate wildly just before a presidential election?  I don't mean to go all "Conspiracy Theory" here, but it seems to me that someone is trying to make the American people think that the President has something to do with the price of gas.  He doesn't.  The last time I looked, Oil Companies were Corporations, not Government entities.

I am surprised at the number of people who say that PBS should go and that Sesame Street isn't part of public education?  Huh?  One person railed about how her kids learned from her and her husband, and they didn't "plunk their kids down in front of the television to have them learn".  Well bully for you!    Children learn in a variety of ways.  Sesame Street ,the Electric Company and Reading Rainbow were all pretty terrific programs .  I no longer have a small child in my household, so I am out of the PBS loop on that, but I would MUCH rather have kids watching Elmo than Snookie.  Before you get on me about that- yes I know Snookie was NOT on PBS  and Yes I know that they cancelled the show she was on but you get my point.  PBS provides quality programing.  Some days I think television is quickly becoming like that movie "the Running Man" with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Richard Dawson.  The plot, as I recall, was they let a convict out of prison and if he could escape the area they dropped him in and make it out of the gates he was free.  they sent all kinds of mayhem after him , including a pack of wild dogs.  It was all filmed and the host of the show was gleefully detailing the terror for the breathless viewers.  I think we are only a few years away from THAT becoming part of "Reality TV", which is scripted anyway.  Back to PBS, remember the first "reality" show The Louds?  TV went into their home and filmed everything.  It destroyed their lives.  Well maybe destroyed is  too strong, but things broke apart badly during the year in their lives.  I often wonder what would have possessed them to allow this 'experiment" to happen to them.    I will have to look back and see, as I was a kid when it was on and my perception might be skewed.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

asthma attack

I have adult onset asthma.  it's been a while but last night I had a big scary attack.  Here's how it went.

I woke up coughing, feeling like I had just swallowed a large fuzzy ball and I was trying to cough to get the ball out of my mouth .  I was sound asleep, so I was a bit befuddled.  I realized.  I am NOT breathing.  What the??   Shoot, asthma attack.  Where is my inhaler?  On the nightstand, but it's been a while since I needed it, I hope it works.  One puff, two puffs.. Hold onto the medication, see if it's working.  Yes, a bit of relief. I can feel my chest relaxing and expanding.  I sink back down on the pillow.  Chris by this time is wide awake and starring at me.  I am ok, I tell him, just an asthma attack.  

They wear me out.  I can't imagine being a  little kid and having this happen.  It's scary as an adult, and I know what is happening and what to do about it.  It's going to be a shaky day for me today.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I keep hearing about Arnold Schwarzenegger and his new book.  I don't plan to read it.  He is all over the talk shows and "news" shows promoting the book.  Most of the promotion has to do with segments of the book detailing his relationship with Maria  and the cheating scandal that seemingly finished his marriage.  I don't know, but if you want to reconcile, WHY are you dragging every bit of dirt out into the light and passing it off as entertainment.  I cannot fathom the pain his soon-to-be ex wife and their FOUR CHILDREN must be feeling.  I had the chance to meet Maria and her children at Operation Gratitude one year.  She and her children worked smiling alongside the many other volunteers. She has no media entourage, just one bodyguard who pushed boxes right with her.  She and her children were charming, no "I am just doing this for show" vibe.  I found that I liked her.

In promoting his book, Arnold keeps saying he hope to win her back.  Here is my take on that- probably not.  I know speaking strictly for me, that if you cheat on me JUST KEEP GOING.  That's my "deal breaker"  Forgiveness is possible, but "forget'?  FORGET IT!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One of "those' days?

I woke up this morning, thinking- of ALL people- Andy Rooney.  You know the guy on 60 minutes who had 60 seconds to say something at the end of the broadcast each week and would usually start out "Did you ever notice" or something like that?  He always seemed to be complaining about something or just generically unhappy.  Maybe he thought complaining was funnier and maybe it was part of his TV "character" to be an old curmudgeon.  In any case, Andy didn't seem to have much joy in his day to day life.  We all have days like that. There's a quote from a Jordan Zevon song  where he says "seems like I've been having one of those days, since some time back in 1998". Sometimes I feel like that, but most days I can find something to be happy about.  Not Pollyanna happy, just some small thing that makes the day go better.  Right now, it's coffee!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Well, it's officially autumn here in So Cal.  That means that the temperatures go from a balmy 70 to the low 100's.  It's OCTOBER for crying out loud and they are saying it's going to be around 100 today. Seriously, we still have the AC on in the bedroom.  The thing keeps me awake at night, when it switches on it makes this huge THUNK noise.  Maybe it's my imagination, but it's above my head, so I do hear it come on.  It's one of those dilemmas, do I try to sleep in the heat or do I turn on the AC?  I am ready for cooler days. I want to cook warm meals and bake biscuits.  I want to wear sweaters.  I have had enough of Summer.  When I was a kid, Summer could have gone on forever, the long lazy days of having fun, staying up late in the heat wasn't terrible if you could sleep late in the cool of the morning.  Now, I get up at the crack of dawn, tired from lack of sleep. Cranky. I sleep better when it's cold.