Friday, January 31, 2020

No words

As I watch what is happening to this country, I fear for it.  I think people are blindly following tRump because he feeds THEIR fears and acts as if  he will make America White again. There I said it.  The racist assholes who hide behind their "faith" ( spoiler alert- Jesus was born a Middle Eastern Jew) to mask their racism are dancing in the streets.  Now, don't get me wrong here. I am a christian, not every Christian is a racist asshole, just the loud Evangelical base that sees tRump as the second coming of Christ.

Again spoiler alert- I think he's the Anti-Christ.

I will pray for this Country today, pray for rational thought to enter into the minds and hearts of those senators who are not afraid of tRump.  WHO allows a "Trial" with no witnesses?  DICTATORS, that's who.

I'm sorry, I'm just so terrified that we are becoming Nazi Germany, that I'm gobsmacked and ranting.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


I'm tired of being sick.
I'm tired of thinking about being sick
I'm tired of taking all the medications to keep somewhat "normal" which don't always work

I'm tired of talking about being sick, as if it is the ONLY thing I have going on and yet, I am tired of pretending to be well.

I'm tired of complaining about the whole thing.

Frankly, I'm just tired of being tired.

I have a chronic ailment that inhibits my ability to breathe and despite everything, it's getting worse.  I am NOT giving up finding a long term solution to my problem, but I am taking more steroids than Lyle Alzado.  It WILL taper off, just not this week or this month.  I have great doctors.

My primary care keeps referring me to "Weight management" classes.  I am not going.  I went once and they didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I TRY to put it into practice, but I have not found an excise that doesn't cause a lot of pain in my knee;  not "good" pain" like the exercise burn, but screaming agony at the bone-on-bone pain that will only be gone when I get the new knee.  I AM trying to walk and I will get back on the bike, probably tonight. 

In the meantime, I will try to eat better, make wiser food choices, but for me it's not what, but how much I eat that makes me gain weight.  I stress-eat, and I know that.  I need to find another outlet for my stress, it used to be walking and singing, but I can't do either right now. 

How do YOU manage your stress?  I'm open to suggestions, but please don't tell me "Mindful meditation"  My therapist suggested it as something she had heard about but could not explain.  I called and spoke with the instructor, who told me it was an eight week class, where you learned to sit and  be in your own thoughts, not talking- culminating ( she breathlessly enthused) with an eight hour day of not talking to anyone!  Uh.. NO , it sounds like solitary confinement.  Seriously , can you imagine ME going 8 hours without making some kind of remark?  Even when I lost my voice I couldn't do it. 

This blog helps a bit and sometimes I get overly confessional, but it IS titled "Inside Robyn's brain" after all and I hope a small visit there now and then helps you or at least is amusing.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Name calling

Do you remember, being on the playground in Elementary school and someone calling you something that wasn't your name, but was meant to make fun of you?

Of course you do.

Do you remember that the teachers tried to address name calling as a terrible thing to do and your parents tried to teach you how to deal with it?

Of course you do.

Do you remember at some point realizing that name calling was a childish petty thing to do and it did not make you look superior or like a human being and that you were dealing with other human beings and differences were to be explored and celebrated, not mocked and belittled?

Of course you do.

What distresses me is that for the past three years, someone has occupied the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office and used his opposable thumbs to name call, presumably from the sanctity of his bathroom.  This is NOT a grown-up, in so many ways and yet his behavior is creeping toward the norm in American society.  We name-call more often than we ever did before. I find myself doing it and I should be ashamed of myself.  But it seems to be the only thing the Far right understand. 

I left elementary school in 1970.  I am going to try to remember that, every time someone I THOUGHT was intelligent tries to call me a name and every time some person who has NO logical point to make in a conversation defaults to abuse of this nature.

In the film  "War Games" the computer is taught a lesson about war it might behoove me to take to heart  "Strange game.  The only way to win is not to play"

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


At least it's not Monday, but frankly I could use more sleep, so this rambling blog may be a bit more off kilter than usual.

Yesterday, I was in the rental car, listening to the radio.  It was all about people calling in to talk about how Kobe's death impacted them.  I got tired of the memories that people had and switched it off to drive in silence.  Then I though about when John Lennon died, how people called the radio stations and each other, tho share the pain of a loss of someone they didn't really know, but whose life work impacted them in a positive way.  I am going to say this, although it might not be a popular sentiment.  He might have been an amazing basketball player, but he was also a rapist.  He was never convicted and I wonder why it never went to court, but at least one woman accused him of assault.  We will never know the truth of all of it.  Now, I have heard that afterward, he became less of a jerk, that he devoted himself more to his family and charity work, so maybe he did reform himself, and I do say that criminals should be allowed to become productive members of society after they pay for their crime, but did he pay for his crime?  Maybe he paid the woman, but frankly money does not heal the pain of that sort of thing.  You can never erase the memory of the event.  It comes back at you at the oddest moments.  The fear never really goes away.

Still, the City of Los Angeles will mourn the loss of one of its' sons and eight other people who died alongside him.  Maybe the laws  pertaining to flying in such weather will change.  They say the pilot was given special permission to fly based on the equipment in the plane which was supposed to be able to fly in zero visibility.  I hope so.  Maybe further deaths can be prevented.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Running late again

Monday comes earlier than ever other day of the week.    I am late again. 

Trying to write every morning, today I got distracted by the news and discussion of Kobe Bryant's death.    I was nota big basketball fan - baseball is more my game, but Bryant was a superb athlete and to watch him was to watch grace and speed in concert.  I saw him once, at the Annie awards, talking about the "Dear Basketball" project that would earn him an Oscar.  He truly was a renaissance man.  Billy Hincsh posted him playing piano.  The world is stunned and mourns, but I am thinking about the other families who lost  their loved ones.  If you are mourning Kobe- and who isn't I suppose- take just a moment to say a prayer for the others who are also suddenly, tragically gone.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

cars and radios

My car is in the shop.  it's old and I have put a lot of mileage on it, but I trust Alex's Performance will get me back on the road.  They are honest about what I need to fix RIGHT NOW  and what can wait a bit.  I like them and have recommended people to them.

I have a rental car from Fox Rental.  Cheaper than most but kind of weird.  You can't return the car early.  Seriously, they penalize you. So even thought I might not have needed it for the full term, I am keeping it.

Things that I thought about vis-a-vie the trips I have taken in the rental car

  • The Kia Soul Plus is like driving a large soup can on wheels,  it's no wonder they had those ads with hamsters driving it.
  • Commercial radio is well named; for every two songs, I hear about eight commercials
  • the DJs  sound like what I imagine a Labrador would sound like  if they were given voice.  After a few minutes, I am exhausted
  • K-RTH plays a Lot of Prince.  Granted it's the same three songs, but I have heard 1999 and Purple rain and one other song whose title escapes me at least six times in the last day and a half- sometimes two of the  songs repeat in the hour. There ARE other songs to play form the 80's you know
  • it's disconcerting that the "oldies" station is playing 80's music, but the 80's WERE almost 40 years ago.
I am looking forward to getting my car back. I have a book on cd to finish and I need to give a more complete listen to a cd I just got " The Bella Portal"  I hope to write a complete review here, If I can gather my wits.

And as to yesterday's  blog. Last night I had a "movie dream" Here are the bare bones, before I forget:

A boy named Andy wants to go to the Prom with his boyfriend, but the BF's mom is one of those bigoted rich housewife types.  Somehow, Andy dresses up as "Amber" and tries to go to the BF's school looking for him.  Amber is rescued from some unnamed violence by a group of school "geeks" who take her under their wing.   The usual Hollywood hi-jinks ensued, and I never got to the denouement, because I woke up during the obligatory montage of "Amber" walking on the beach to a Simple Minds song.   I assume a happy ending and the comeuppance of the BF's mom would have taken place before the credits rolled.  Somewhere in the middle of the film, I make a cameo appearance.  I was in a history class,as me a sixty-something year old woman and everyone thought I was a high school kid.  The History teacher kept asking why I had not done the required reading on birth rates and birth control.  I think I just got up and left.  Like I said, my dreams are weird.

Happy Sunday.  My house is still a wreck (even though Chris did an AWFUL lot of work on it, the things I need to do remain undone)  Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 25, 2020


My dreams are weird, but then I think most people's dreams are.  Sometimes, mine are like full-fledged movies, in which I am playing a role. It's me, but not me, if that makes any sense.  I am seeing the world through the eyes of a character.

Last night, I had this strange dream.  I was trying to get to a library event, but I decided to walk, because it was near the beach.  I found myself walking on a very narrow, very TALL sand berm, dragging a red wagon.  When I got to the library, it morphed to a banquet hall, where my highschool class reunion was going on.  We tried in vain to get food.  I found myself stuck in a corner with a woman I knew slightly in High School,  she was bragging about all her accomplishments- I see her name sometimes, she has done well in her chosen profession.  In my dream, I kept trying to get away, but she kept following me.  FINALLY, my friend Jimmy appeared.  Apparently the venue had been holding food service until HE got there, but now the party was OVER and we had to leave.  I found myself spooning what looked like REALLY dry rice pilaf and overcooked and over seasoned shrimp into small Styrofoam containers ( about the size you get at the hot dog cart, that fits a hot dog). Jimmy kept apologizing as he was helping me hand them over to people in tuxes and sequined party dresses.

I am NOT looking for Freudian dream analysis here.

But that was weird.  But kind of fun when I thought about it.   I don't always remember my dreams.  I really should keep a notebook by my bedside.  Some of them MIGHT make good short stories- if I can get the weird out of them!

Friday, January 24, 2020


I need to do a lot of things today. I am having company on Sunday and my living room and kitchen are still suffering the after effects of the flood and my being  in the upstairs bedroom recuperating for the summer.  there are BOXES stacked in the corner I need to organize.  and yet, here I am doing nothing.

How do I get motivated?  Lately I have been struggling with my health; bronchitis has exacerbated the asthma and I am just.. TIRED.   I am grumpy.   I need a really good night's sleep, but that's not going to happen any time soon.  I don't want to take anything, I am already on enough meds- as my mom used to say if they give me another pill I won't need to eat anything. 


So How do I do this?  One thing at a time, I suppose. 

Take small bites.

Do one thing at a time.

I make a list and cross things off.  Do you do that?  It makes me feel like I have accomplished something, to cross it off my list, but sometimes the list is WAY too ambitious and I find myself revising it.

So.   Off to try to do ONE thing on my list ( sometimes I add "take a nap" to remind myself to rest)   The Nap thing is definitely there, mid list.

I've got this.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


These days, I'm like a crow; easily distracted by shiny things.

I SHOULD be writing poetry

I SHOULD be cleaning and tidying the house.

I SHOULD be getting more exercise and more rest ( not mutually exclusive- the more you exercise the better you sleep)

but no

I am playing pointless games on the computer.  Granted SOME of them are word games that SAY they increase your memory and help your brain.

My brain, and the rest of me, are just tired.  I am trying to figure out why, but no real answer is coming, except stress. 

But with me, it's ALWAYS stress.  Yesterday, after a LONG unpleasant exchange with someone, I seriously considered packing it up and going to the retirement board.  But I have two goals to meet before I do that so, Suck it Up, Buttercup.  The work is important, but if we screw up, no one dies. 

Today, I will work hard on the project that is looming large on my horizon.  I have about a week to get it done.  I can, if I put my phone on do not disturb and ask my co-workers to catch the emergencies- knock it out in about two hours for a rough draft.  I write better under pressure ( it IS I believe, the Hallmark of ALL English majors!)

Still I need to get rid of my "Shoulds" they mess up the moment.  Chris lives in the moment. I have trouble with that.  I used to have a dog, Ezekiel J. Moose, who would sit on the porch with me and just lean against me, his large furry self taking my cares away.  I miss him and wonder if I think of those times with him, if I can release my cares to the sky.  Probably not, but I have a lump in my throat when I think of him nonetheless.

It's gonna be a long day....

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Fluffy thoughts

I am trying NOT to write here about the Impeachment  Trial, except to say the American public has a lot of people who slept during Government class.  HE has BEEN impeached by the House. Done.  This trial is for his REMOVAL from office and as long as the Republicans on the Senate act like fictional ostriches and continue to stick their heads in the sand, we will NEVER see justice.


Rant over.

 Last night, Chris took me to Coco's for dinner.  It's one of the few places in town for decent food.  I ordered a coconut cream pie for dessert.  As I was eating it, I said to Chris, "didn't you find it funny that Maryann was always baking coconut cream pies on Gilligan's Island?"   We both started wondering about the show.  It was probably one of the DUMBEST shows of the 60's  So here , in no particular order are the things that make it SO illogical  ( I was not a big fan, as I recall, but there were three channels and my parent's watched it.  We had ONE TV, if you wanted to watch , you watched what THEY were watching.)

1-  How uncharted are the waters around Hawaii?
2- The rescue mission wan't much and considered Mr Howell was one of the wealthiest people in the country, you would think they would have mounted a more serious effort
3-If they were just on a tour boat why did they have all their clothes with them?
4- they were often visited by other people.  Why did no one help them get off the island?
5-They could build complex huts and structures and have some sort of lighting. They had a working radio which never ran out of  batteries, but they couldn't fix a HOLE in the boat?
6-where did they get the food supply, specifically the CREAM for  the pie ( not to mention the flour , butter and eggs.)  Was there a secret farm?

Television in the 60's was silly.  Things seemed simpler, but maybe because I was a kid, but it just does.   

I wonder if we can get Trump and his family to take a "three hour tour" with the Skipper???

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

MLK thoughts

Yesterday we celebrated the life and work of Dr Martin Luther King.  50 years after his murder in Memphis, we look back on his words and his life with, sometimes a clearer , less reverential eye.  When someone speaks passionately for a cause and is murdered because of it, we make them a martyr for that cause and occasionally turn them into a saint.  Dr King was a fiery orator, in the  style of many Southern Baptist preachers ( as a child, the preacher at my formerly calm Christian church hired a Fire-and-Brimstone guy who scared the BeeJesus out of me rather tan into me, which is a tale for another day) Dr. Kin's speeches ignited the crowd and in the best cases, made people talk and think about their actions and interactions with others.

These days, we have a tendency toward "soundbites" so I doubt an orator of Dr. King's passion would do well today. People probably would not have stood for the time it took, for all the speeches to be made and heard.  The "I have a dream" speech, for instance was seventeen minutes long.  I wonder how many millennials would be checking their phones and looking for a place to get a latte.

We idolize Dr. King, but a lot of what he said, about White moderates goes unnoticed.  He was not happy with the progress of things and knew that unless some of us got out of our comfort zone, things are NOT going to change. He is right, of course. We HAVE come a long way, but we still have quite a way to go.

I was thinking last night about leaders who were assassinated  for their words and what they represented:

Mahatma Ghandi
John F. Kennedy
Bobby Kennedy
Malcolm X
Indira Ghandi
Benazir Bhutto

All came to my mind as leaders who stood for something that terrified someone else enough to kill them for it.  As I go about my day today, I will think of them, the words and anger of Dr. King and try to do more in my life for my community.  It starts here, it starts small but in order for any change to become, it MUST  start.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Vacation realities

I was looking forward to this little getaway trip to Laughlin this weekend. This was supposed to be the relaxing time we did not have over the Christmas holiday, when, although it had some pretty terrific moments, things went sideways.

I guess the travel gods were not through with us.

We were supposed to leave Friday night, but my car acted up and we were both far too tired to make a trip that the traffic site told us would take SIX- not four and a half hours.

Packing I could not find my new box of medication and it took forever to find it.  We finally got on the road.

We had a NICE stop for a late lunch at the Ludlow Cafe.  The pie was very good.  It is one of those truly old-timey places and if you are needing a break on the way to Laughlin, stop in,  The food was pretty good too.

The bloom is off the rose as far as Harrah's however.  Ok, so maybe I am grumpy, but this trip I have encountered more than my share of grouchy- and downright rude- employees.  The guy at the check in counter who fairly snapped at us when we asked about an upgrade ( which our confirmation email had instructed us to do)  He probably should have been off the desk and was grumpy about it.  The guy at the promotions booth- Josh- who did not want to serve run-of-the mill guests ONLY Seven  Stars guests ( those are the High Rollers and we ain't they!)  He was downright snippy.  The maid, who noting my ful ice bucket remarked on it as if I were stealing the ice ( it's free and they don't have refrigerators)

UGH. The food has been disappointing.  They won't let you substitute a salad for fries in the Beach Cafe  and the Guy Fieri taco place is gross.  even the drinks were weird.  I will do a full review on Stuff you can Stomach- my food blog- when I get home.

Dianne at the Beach Cafe saved the day and brought me something I could actually eat after THAT fiasco.  She and the bell desk people and the valet service are the bright spots in this hotel.

We did see the burros in Oatman and fed the alfalfa squares,  Chris bought me a wood carving of my name from a guy who looked a little sad and I think we made his day a bit better.

I did a lot of walking and my non-operated knee is barking.  I pressed Wheels back into service.  I will be talking to my primary care doctor about it.  The surgeon wants me to walk, but this knee is bone on bone and it HURTS!  Can't have the surgery until AFTER our England trip in April/May.

We are checking out and going home today.  I HOPE to take the water taxi up the river and get some breakfast.   Our car is still having an issue, think good thoughts for us to get home.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

asthma at 4 am

I seem to complain a lot about health issues, but let's face it, I'm a certain "vintage" with specific problems- asthma being chief among them.  I have a great doctor, but lately, due to bronchitis, asthma is getting the upper hand. 

around 4 a.m ( why is it ALWAYS 4 a.m?) I woke up gasping.  I woke Chris who handed me the rescue in haler. Pump. Pump.  No go.  Pump. Pump. same result.  Got a large gulp of very hot water in the bathroom ( we are on VACATION, and in a hotel)  small airway cleared.  After MUCH unpleasantness, and a breathing treatment ( thank goodness for the machine) I got to breathing again.

I don't mind telling you, it scared the heck out of me.  Back to my doctor on Tuesday when we are back in town and taking it easy today.  We are going up to Oatman to see the burros and maybe ride a river taxi. I need to be near the water today.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Thoughts about.. reading

I learned to read very early in life; probably about four years old. My grandmother read to me.  She and my mother were readers, and as we like to say "readers raise readers"They taught me to read.   As a result, I have a degree in English and work as an Management Analyst at the library.

I am currently reading a book called "The Girl who Reads on the Metro"  so far a strange quirky book  which I am enjoying.  HOWEVER, I find myself doing the English Major thing of analyzing the themes and the underlying meaning of everything.  Does the bookseller represent God?  the Devil?  Is the bookstore Heaven or Hell?  See what I mean?   Sometimes, having an English degree can ruin the pleasure of a book as you critique sentence structure and character development; look for symbolism where there is none.

Sometimes I have to remind myself of the quote ( probably wrongly) attributed to Freud:  "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

I'll let you know how I feel about the book.  It's a slim novel, but I am only reading a chapter or two at a time.  I read in bed, my guilty pleasure.  At one point in my life, I was not "allowed" to read in bed, so I really savor that peaceful end to my day sometimes. Reading releases the tensions of the day from my brain, which has a tendency these days to wake me in the middle of the night with the most inane questions.  I resist grabbing my phone form the nightstand, however, to see  who played that character in that movie or who wrote that book.  Turning off my brain is harder these days and reading at night helps.

Friday, January 17, 2020


Finally a Friday, as a disc jockey from a radio station from my teen year used to say.

Just eight hours at work, then I am free for a three day weekend.  I woke up with a headache no amount of coffee seems to quell.  Strange and rather disturbing dreams, that woke me with a start and a " I wonder where THAT came from"

It always seems to be three a.m. when that happens and as I get up at 5:30, I try to fall back to sleep but sometimes no amount of sheep-counting does the trick.  Today is going to be interesting, to say the least.

This Monday celebrates the life and impact of Dr Martin Luther King.  In theory, we are going away for the weekend, but Chris was sick yesterday so it's up in the air.  I am planning on taking my laptop to write, as I have PROMISED myself I would write something every day.  I need to get my chops back.    It is really the only "Art" I do and it's been a little rusty so I need to really get back at it.  Every day I look at the wonderful visual art created by some of my very talented friends and sigh at MY lack of any sort of  artistic ability.  I can't make a stick figure look like a stick figure.  So I return to writing this blog to do something.  I hope to do more creative writing, poetry too at some point but for now this morning trip through my brain will have to do.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Books and music

I am currently listening to an audio book in my car, but most days I listen to music  Pandora, because I can't figure out Spotify yet, because frankly I don't have time) 

The girl in the takeout at Queens asked me about it, I suppose I drive through there enough to be memorable, which is probably NOT a good thing, but they are a small business with great burgers and fun people working the window.

Occasionally I will hear a song that I am SURE is based on a book or short story and think about how much people who write music must read.

Neil Peart, the drummer for Rush who died earlier this month was legendary for taking stacks of books on the road with him in the early days of the band.  I wonder if he has a loaded Kindle in his later tours.

The song  Red Barchetta was inspired by a short story "A Nice Morning Drive" by Richard S. Foster.  One Day I am going to hunt the story down and read it.

The song that always strikes me is "Wooden Ships" by Crosby, Stills and Nash.  It retells "The Red Badge of Courage" by Stephen Crane.  I remember being in High School when I realized it and thought. "well, how cool is that?"

Other songs I can think of are:

Watership Down" by America  I think Gerry was writing a song for the film, which was not included.  They put in a song called "Bright eyes" by Art Garfunkel.  Nice song, but it slows the movie down, in my opinion.

Call Of the Wild - Also by America.  I can't remember the book ( I don't think I ever read it, so maybe I need to add it to my list of books I want to read)

Monster- Also by America ( a short story by Stephen Crane about a man who is horribly burned  saving a child and the community reaction to him)

Ramble On by Led Zepelin, which borrows heavily for the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

Can you think of any books that are celebrated in song?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

trying to write something

I am trying to write every day, but it's hard.  This morning, I spent my "writing time" doing paperwork for my Union. 

I am trying NOT to get political in my writing, but I can't help but wonder at the interview on Rachel Maddow.  I KNOW that "the Faithful" will not believe anything that goes against their cherished belief int the Orange Menace.  I am sick  ALL THE evidence could SLAP some people in the face and they would say it was.. FAKE NEWS.  they are so indoctrinated, that Truth is Lies and Lies are Truth.


The only orange thing I want to see in my house is BB8

I love BB8, so I am switching gears to say that I have not ONE but TWO of the little fella in my house. They BOTH talk but the smaller one rolls JUST LIKE the one in the movie. 

I'm... obsessed.

I need to see the final movie  (please DON'T tell me if anything BAD happens to  my beloved 'droid.  I could not bear it.)

Chris and I will have to make time to see it before it disappears from theaters.  I saw the original 1977 film EIGHT times in the drive in ( we had a car with an awesome sound system for 1977 and the drive in was better, you could smoke a J and watch the film!)

I am going to hold onto hope that things will get better.  It's the only way I get out of bed in the morning.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Isn't thinking about nothing thinking about something?

Thinking about what to write is sometimes daunting and I am endeavoring to write SOMETHING every day.  Yesterday's piece was a well thought out farewell to the tree at Sunland Tujunga branch Library.  The ceremony was sweet and thoughtful and I think it was a proper sendoff.

Today I am thinking about  NOTHING.  More to the point I am thinking about how to clear my head, shut off my brain and just not hear anything going on in my head.  The hamster that drives my brain has been working overtime and there are days when I just get tired.

I know.  Mindful Meditation is the big thing these days.  My therapist actually suggested it a few years ago,  but she couldn't properly explain it, so I talked to the instructor of the class.  It was a six week class, culminating ( she enthused breathlessly) in EIGHT HOURS of not talking.


Uh.  Eight hours in a room full of people not saying anything?  Isn't that what it was like in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest"? 

No.  Just. No.  I can't go EIGHT MINUTES without something coming out of my mouth. and trying to think about nothing IS thinking about something after all is said and done.  I did not sign up for the class, nor do I saunter down to the class on Thursdays at Central Library, even if I do get cheerful reminders from the Senior Librarian who oversees the program.  

This weekend, my husband is taking me where I can see a river and relax.  I need to re-energize and get back on track.  Being near water is the best for me.   

Monday, January 13, 2020

A farewell to the tree

This morning, at the Sunland Tujunga Library, there will be a small ceremony to bid farewell to the old oak tree.  The tree, as far as we can tell , was well over 100 years old.  It has been dying for years, despite our best efforts to help it.    It's sad, really and we will gather together today to read a few poems ( Sunland is one of the few places with a Poet Laureate)  and we will take a moment to honor the tree and it's loss in our community.

When we rebuilt the library, we had to build around the tree. Live Oaks are protected in California and there are a ton of specific rules in the care and feeding of the tree.  There were a number of factors in the demise of the tree, so I am not going to call out any one thing, but I am personally sad to see it go.  For a while, we were treating it and it seemed to be fighting back, but nothing lives forever.

We will be planting new trees .  There is a quote, attributed to Confucius."If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees.  If your plan is for 100 years,educate children.  At the Library, we are not planting rice, but we are planting trees and educating our children.  If you want to be part of the ceremony, it will start around 9 am.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday morning off on a tangent

I like Saturday mornings or Friday nights much more than Sunday morning.  I guess I see the end of the weekend looming toward me and it makes me sad.

I didn't get a darn thing done yesterday.

My Union had  their annual "Holiday Party" which is the largest charity event we do.  My Union has an Outreach committee (  I'm a member) and we do a lot of charity based work, which unfortunately is mostly focused on feeding people in homeless shelters.  I say unfortunately because homelessness is such a huge problem in Los Angeles; rents are too high, wages are too low and drugs are everywhere.  Homelessness has been criminalized by some people, and they like to blame everything on the "transients" in the area.   

I don't know what can be done, but something has got to give.

In the meantime, I am thinking about getting more information out to our members about the charitable work that is done on their behalf by a core group of people.  It's always the same ones.  I am going to work toward an information campaign, asking people to volunteer and to suggest worthy causes.  There are a lot of small charities and non profits who could use a little help these days.

What's YOUR favorite?

Saturday, January 11, 2020

thinking about fame and duty

Yesterday, it was announced that the amazing drummer from Rush, Neil Peart, died on January 7.  He had been battling cancer for over three years.  His fanbase is stunned and after the initial shock wears off, there are bound to be people ( and I have seen them) who are upset that THEY were not notified of his illness.   Sorry, you didn't know this man and I think he gets to choose who knows and who doesn't.  As beloved as he was, news of this sort could have triggered just what he was probably trying to avoid, people trying to get in touch with him, to meet him,to take up what time he had left with his family to have THEIR 15 minutes with him.  He leaves behind a wife of almost 20 years and a very young daughter.  I am sure he spent as much time as he had making memories with them.  I can just envision what would have happened to him out in public if people knew about the diagnosis.  He did it right.  I am sure there will be gatherings of fans to mourn and to praise, to share grief and stories amongst ourselves.  Someone posted a quote I will try to remember for the future "Thinking about how we mourn artists we've never met.  We don't cry because we knew them, we cry because they helped us know ourselves."  

Peart was the author of several books, one about a long motorcycle trip he embarked on after the death of his daughter and his first wife, within 9 months of one another.   A good read and one I will probably revisit at some point in the near future.

I see Prince Harry has decided to step away from his "duties" to what they sometimes call "the Firm" and people are losing the minds about it.  I see his point.  No matter what he does, someone finds fault.  He grew up knowing what happened to his mother and is seeing parallels  in the media frenzy regarding HIS family.  He is NEVER going to be King and I am sure he is fine with that.  People cannot accept that Harry has a right to choose what he wants to do ( heck even William does for that matter, but I think he is going to be a fine king, if the monarchy is still in place when the time comes).  I am sure Harry will continue to do charitable things and make his mark in the world.  He and his wife have their own fortunes, they don't need  whatever "pay" he receives now.  I can't help but think his Mum would be cheering him on, proud of the man he has become.

I see "famous" people all the time. I don't think they "owe" me any of their time,on their own time.  I DO expect, if someone is at an appearance event that is part of their job, that they should be courteous at the very least ( I'm looking at YOU, Walter Mosley)  If someone is out with their family, LEAVE THEM ALONE.  Everyone deserves to be able to go out in public and be normal every once in a while.

Friday, January 10, 2020


I meant to post this on his birthday, which I somehow thought was the 9th, but I think that's Nixon's birthday..


How do I put this gently?  I never understood the appeal of Elvis Presley. I missed the whole "Elvis the Pelvis" thing, where the tv stations would not show him dancing his signature swivel, as it was deemed  inappropriate for women and children.   By the time I was aware of him, I suppose, all that sexy young man thing he had going for him had waned and now he was just an overblown caricature.   Graceland.  The Memphis Mafia.  The .. jumpsuits.  His voice and delivery of a song was not particularly thrilling to me.   I think most of the stuff had over produced layers of too much .... stuff.  if that makes sense.   I think at one point I had a single of "In the Ghetto"  a song whose lyrics I consider so abhorrent, I can't believe it was a hit.  Such a terrible cliche. The Elvis films all had the same plot in different locations.  He may have been a wonderful actor for all I know.  I only remember him being dragged into the same films over and over again, none of which were anything but fluffy 1960's sun-and-surf with music films.

Still people love him, forty plus years after his death they still make pilgrimages to Graceland.  I think if I were ever in Memphis- although the likelihood of that is slim- I would probably go for curiosity sake.

I just don't get the King of Rock and Roll and the Greatest Entertainer of all Time sobriquet that is often attached to Elvis. 

I listen to a lot of different music, and I was noting that I can think of at least FOUR songs that talk about Elvis:

Black Velvet
Free Falling
Walking in Memphis
Porcelain Monkey

the last is a dark ( is there any other kind) Warren Zevon song about Elvis and how he threw away himself to become Elvis.  I suppose when you are a poor kid with nothing but a talent you can be swept up in selling your soul.  Col. Tom Parker was the villain of this piece, locking a poor uneducated kid into a contract for life where Parker reaped the lions share.  At least, that is how it played out in the world.  Unless you were there, you cannot really know.

I wonder if Elvis was happy.  I doubt it.  At 42, he was a bloated drug addled version of his former self.  He died young, I wonder if it were drugs or genetics or a combination. 

I won't wish him a Happy Birthday, but as people remember him at what would have been his 85th birthday, I will go listen to those songs written about him.

"Left behind by the latest trends
eating friend chicken with his Regicidal  friends
that's how the story ends
with a porcelain monkey"

Thursday, January 9, 2020


ok, so I am home, sick. 

I should be sleeping, but no, my brain won't shut up

I hate that. 

I really want that nap but OH NO, my brain wants to know who played the lead in some obscure movie that I saw ONCE at a teenager ( or some such nonsense)

I need to shut it off, but no amount of sheep-counting or.. anything else will do it.

I'm hungry. 

Damn it.   So I go downstairs to make something to eat and take my meds.

I realize I haven't written  anything and so I try to do it and wind up with this, a long compilation of just WHAT is in my head.


Ok, fed and medicated, I am going upstairs again.  Dr at 3:30- but for my knees not this ick.

Rest, I need you!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hope. Always Hope

I am trying NOT to write about politics, it gets tedious  to play the same note over and over again.   I will say this and move on.

We are at war, because someone wanted to distract everyone from the crimes he and his administration committed and continue to commit.   Our young people and civilians will die because of his behavior.  We did NOT need to do this, all of a sudden.  There have been no rumbling of war.  Just now.  From that imbecile.  Art of the Deal my Aunt Fanny.  He couldn't find a bargain  at the Dollar Store.


I woke up thinking about trying to find hope in the everyday.  I thought of Emily Dickinson's poem, Hope is a thing with wings.   I wonder if it is.  I think hope is more like an earthworm, to tell you the truth.  It hides beneath the surface, only coming into the light under the most extreme circumstances.  Otherwise, we are taught to keep it hidden and in out hearts.  I have been told at times that I am too optimistic about situations.  Frankly, hope is often the only thing that gets me out of bed ( that and a paycheck but that's another blog altogether.)

I was at a meeting last night, feeling very much like Maz from the Star Wars films.  I comfort myself in the knowledge that I am pretty much a lame duck now.  Retirement means I will NOT be working to get another contract and I can just coast on the one that is in place for the next three years.  I listened to people who DON'T understand some basic truths SCREAM at the new guy.  He held his own.   Afterward I had a nice conversation with two of the younger members who gave me hope.  I felt better leaving the meeting after that.  Still , the stupid runs strong with a few of them and I wonder if pointing out the obvious still will not help.  It's going to be interesting and I might not be involved as much as I had been in the past.  We will see.

The title of this piece comes from the play Nicholas Nickleby.   I am NOT a big fan of Dickens, but years ago , the Royal Shakespeare Company put on a marvelous eight hour production of the book.  There were two opposing characters.  One who would begin a scene by writhing on the floor crying NO HOPE  and another who would stand defiantly , fist in the air , declaring HOPE!  ALWAYS HOPE!   I fall somewhere in between them, leaning toward hoping that things will work the way they are meant to.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Happy Birthday.

On January 7, 1926, my mother Hazel Emma Zorn made her appearance.  She was the sixth child and third daughter of Emma and Gotthilf ( aka George) Zorn.  By the time she was born, I believe her three older brothers had already died of various illnesses.    I would be willing to bet she was a surprise, as my grandmother was almost 40 when she was born.

Her father would die before she was three, just days before the Great Depression plunged the nation into poverty  Her widowed mother did the best she could, raising three skinny girls, with what help one of my grandfather's brothers could provide.  My grandfather was a milkman for Borden.  Had he not been killed in a car accident, the family would probably have been just fine.

I often wonder if I would be here, had that not happened.  My mother might have been able to finish high school, like her cousins did, maybe become a history teacher, as was her dream.  Instead, she had to drop out at 16, get a horrible job at a printer's and followed the path the the St George Hotel on July 23, 1949, where a smart-ass named Bob Myers pushed her into the pool.  She couldn't swim.  He pulled her out and the rest is my history.

My mother developed Alzheimer's  and we watched in horror as that terrible disease stole our brilliant beautiful mother, one piece at a time.  Cruel, vicious thing.  I miss her, but am glad she is not her, living in half herself.   I often wish she had been able to meet her great-grandsons.  Bob, in particular would have delighted her with his mixture of sweetness and sass.  He is my father all over again.

There's a line from a Bob Dylan song, "you're gonna make me lonesome when you go" ;

"I'll see you in the sky above, in the tall grass, in the ones I love, You're gonna make me lonesome when you go"

I think of her when I hear those lines. 

I miss you Mom.   Happy Birthday!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Three Kings Day

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate what my mom uses to call Orthodox Christmas.  I wonder if that is not the correct term, but it will have to do until I can find the right term.  I just looked it up.  Apparently, it's tomorrow.  and yes, the Internet calls it Orthodox Christmas so I guess it's right.

For me, the holiday season ends ( either today or tomorrow) with what they call Three Kings Day.  Traditionally, it celebrated the Magi arriving to honor the Christ Child with gifts of gold , frankincense and myrrh. Precious gifts at that time.  We always laughed about them, as we could not understand the significance- except for gold.  I am sure Mary was grateful.

Someone will bring a Rosca de Reyes to work today and we will all laugh as we see if we got the baby Jesus in our piece.  One year, Baby Jesus looked like he had come to the cake via Area 51.   It's fun and I hope I get the baby Jesus.  We bring in treats on February 2, or thereabouts.  GROUNDHOG DAY! 

Traditionally, either the 6th or the 7th I make sure my Christmas boxes are packed away for another year.  I am always finding some little knickknack that went unnoticed, usually around the 4th of July.  My house is full of.... stuff.

This year, I am determined to pare down the stuff, to donate, to recycle all that is cluttering my life.  I am not going full Marie Kondo, but some of what she says is true.  She's not exactly the first person to suggest what she suggests, she's just the flavor of the month on the internet.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Every year, we sit around on New Yer's Eve or New Years Day, resolving to change.  Almost never happens in the degree that we wish it to. 

Years ago, I read a book in which they family was making resolutions for each other.  the one brother- who was probably autistic was given  "Pleas ( that was his name) resolves to be happy"

I think that's a good resolution, and one I will try to keep.

I resolve to remember that there is balance in the world, that I can't save everyone and that sometimes the answer to my prayers is "no"

I do want to get my house in order.  I have about  two years before I plan to move, so THAT should give me enough time to get rid of everything and neaten up a little.

It's the 'neaten up" that takes time.   I will be working on one box at a time, tossing, recycling , donating and shredding.  I swear I will be kinder to my shredder.  Yesterday I broke it, but Chris was able to fix it.  Great having a guy who's so handy!

The VietNam Veterans come to your house and pick up the stuff you can't use anymore.  SMALL items.  but they are listed as a very responsible charity so it's a win-win.

Every year I get things that will "help me organize"  Now if I can only find the BOX I put that stuff into, I can get started.....

Saturday, January 4, 2020


 I am inside my apartment, and I haven't looked out the window yet.   I saw there might be a storm approaching, but I am sort of "Mona Lisa's and Mad Hatters" this morning.   ( "For unless they see the sky , and they can't and that is why, they know not if it's dark outside or light.")   It looks kind of grey out there.

I woke up wondering about the word for the smell of rain.  It turns out to be made up of the Greek word for stone and another word for the blood of the gods.  Interesting.   I remember reading a sweet story, where a critically ill little girl said that rain smelled like God holding you to his chest.   Funny how the ancient Greeks and this little girl associated rain with gods.

Australia could use some help from the gods in the form of rain.  Living in California, in an are often evacuated due to fire, I empathize with those in the way of  the fire.  It's terrifying and I am hoping that humans and Mother Nature will soon get the upper hand.  Many Christians believe the earth will end in fire, but who really knows.

I think Global warming will knock the humans off the top of the food chain.  We need to really take a look at what we are doing here, make some substantial changes to the way we treat the earth and maybe we have a shot.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Friday morning ramblings

I woke up thinking about this song by Donovan:

On the sidewalk the people are hustling and bustling
They ain't got no time so
They think on the thing that will fill in the space in
Between birth and death.

Last year was a rough one, in many ways.  As we get older we go to less weddings and more funerals.  Less baby showers, more hospital visits to those in hospice.

Frankly.  It sucks.

Last year I went to, I think  Five services.  The first as I stood on a lonely hill beside the casket of a friend who was taken so suddenly all of us were in a sort of shock.  Tears were not there and I don't know if I ever properly cried for him  True, I had lost touch with him, but he was one of those people you thought would always be around. Another sad case of "we should hang out" but never found the time.

There were several deaths that, although unexpected in a small way, these people had been quite ill and fought hard.  They remain in my heart.

The one that will take, probably forever, to get resolved ( you never get over it, you just learn to live with it) is the suicide of a man I worked with and greatly admired.  His work for our Union will resonate for generations of those who will never even know his name Gregory James West, and yet, he was in such agony - from what I cannot say- that he chose to end his life.  Suicide does not end pain, it just transfers it to someone else.   If you are reading this and in such pain, I want to tell you, you are loved, you are needed.  Reach out.  People you never realized who are in your life HAVE been there and want to help you.

The bright spot in my life was the hurried arrival of my grandson, Mason.  Mason was a delightful shock to his parents, as they had just started the treatments, without much hope and yet.... Mason.  His arrival in the world, so carefully planned by all of us was changed in an instant as he chose a much earlier date than scheduled.   He's gonna be a pistol!

At one of the services, they kept repeating the new  funeral cliche  "Live your dash" the explanation is that there are several things on your tombstone, the date you were born and the date you died.  It's the dash in between those dates that is the most important.   So maybe today I will think on the things that fill in the space in between....

Thursday, January 2, 2020

"Lucky " food

Yesterday, as is customary around Casa Myers, we had ham.   My neighbor joined us for "dinner" but as he does not eat pork, well... he had a few helpings of veggies and potatoes ( yes I know potatoes are veggies but I made some green stuff and some potatoes.)

We started talking about WHY I serve ham.  other than the obvious  ( it's easy)  I remarked that it is a German tradition to serve some kind of pork on New Year's Day, for luck. At least that's what my mom used to say.  I wonder if it's true.

I COULD look it up, but it is six am and I am just trying to get my thoughts down this morning.

What OTHER foods are considered Lucky on New Year's Day?  Black eyed peas is the only one come up in my mind.

ok I have to look  Be Right back....

According to  Allrecipies:

noodles and fish
and some kind of almond  cake which would NOT be lucky for me as it would result in a trip to Emergency.

I suppose each culture has it's way to welcome in the year and rituals meant to bring good fortune.  Is it strange that MINE revolve around... FOOD?

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy 2020

I had promised my lone reader that I would post a pithy and champagne induced blog last evening.

As you can see   THAT didn't happen.

In my own defense here, yesterday, I worked a full day but didn't get a chance to eat!  The cafe in my building was closed  ( the NERVE) and I did NOT have the energy to venture out to find food.  My office mate kindly gave me an orange and some snacks, but that coupled with the remnant of this crappy bronchitis knocked me over.   I contemplated a trip to urgent care.   You KNOW I am sick when I do that.  Kaiser urgent care is not the best place for me.  It was New Year's Eve.  I figured they would have more important matters and I was doing "ok".  I slept until five minutes to midnight.  Shared a kiss with my wonderful husband, hung out for a while and fell back to bed.  I DID have a glass or two of the bubbly stuff.  No hangover. 

I am glad to see the back of 2019 in general and December 2019 in particular.  Let me explain.

In early December my beloved ( and no I am not being ironic the woman is amazing) Mother-in Love wound up in the hospital.  That same weekend a pipe burst in my kitchen ceiling and I am STILL waiting for the hole to be repaired and the cabinet to be secured. My glassware is stacked on my dining room table.  I need to talk to the landlord, but I think they are dealing with MAJOR plumbing issues here in this aging building.  The husband is not well and neither is the wife.  I may just offer to get it repaired and be done with it.  They are really nice and take care of things quickly, most of the time.

I DID get some quality time with my kids and grandsons- Bob LOVES to bake, just like the great-grandfather he is named after.  He's so sweet.

Christmas was one I would LOVE to forget most of.  We went up to Hayward and went on a "casino run" with Chris' mom.  She got VERY VERY SICK- back in the hospital- and I got a wicked case of bronchitis while staying in a hotel.   I was glad to be home and in bed after it was all said and done.  My MIL is back home, but she worries me!

Still on the mend here, back to work  tomorrow.  I still have to find my kitchen- the flood moved EVERYTHING and I am still tossing stuff out.   Probably will de-Christmas later today .  We didn't really decorate, as we were gone Christmas week, but there ARE a few items to be packed away.

This year, as I wind down my career and plan to relocate in about a year and a half ( retirement in March 2021 is planned, then I will get ready to start the next phase of my life) I am really going to buckle down and get RID of things.  I donate the bulk to the Vietnam Veterans Association.  They do good work and are one of the charities that operates on a shoestring.  They come to your HOUSE and get it.  It's a win-win, as the Vietnam Vets really didn't get their due and all of the things that happened to them over there, well, they need medical care.  If I can help by doing this, even just a tiny bit, it's a good thing!

May 2020 bring all the goodness we desire in our lives and CHANGE in this country.  We need to take a look at who and what we are becoming.  New Year's Day is a good day to reflect and take baby steps toward that goal.