Friday, January 17, 2020


Finally a Friday, as a disc jockey from a radio station from my teen year used to say.

Just eight hours at work, then I am free for a three day weekend.  I woke up with a headache no amount of coffee seems to quell.  Strange and rather disturbing dreams, that woke me with a start and a " I wonder where THAT came from"

It always seems to be three a.m. when that happens and as I get up at 5:30, I try to fall back to sleep but sometimes no amount of sheep-counting does the trick.  Today is going to be interesting, to say the least.

This Monday celebrates the life and impact of Dr Martin Luther King.  In theory, we are going away for the weekend, but Chris was sick yesterday so it's up in the air.  I am planning on taking my laptop to write, as I have PROMISED myself I would write something every day.  I need to get my chops back.    It is really the only "Art" I do and it's been a little rusty so I need to really get back at it.  Every day I look at the wonderful visual art created by some of my very talented friends and sigh at MY lack of any sort of  artistic ability.  I can't make a stick figure look like a stick figure.  So I return to writing this blog to do something.  I hope to do more creative writing, poetry too at some point but for now this morning trip through my brain will have to do.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying 2020 with something every morning.


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