Friday, January 24, 2020


I need to do a lot of things today. I am having company on Sunday and my living room and kitchen are still suffering the after effects of the flood and my being  in the upstairs bedroom recuperating for the summer.  there are BOXES stacked in the corner I need to organize.  and yet, here I am doing nothing.

How do I get motivated?  Lately I have been struggling with my health; bronchitis has exacerbated the asthma and I am just.. TIRED.   I am grumpy.   I need a really good night's sleep, but that's not going to happen any time soon.  I don't want to take anything, I am already on enough meds- as my mom used to say if they give me another pill I won't need to eat anything. 


So How do I do this?  One thing at a time, I suppose. 

Take small bites.

Do one thing at a time.

I make a list and cross things off.  Do you do that?  It makes me feel like I have accomplished something, to cross it off my list, but sometimes the list is WAY too ambitious and I find myself revising it.

So.   Off to try to do ONE thing on my list ( sometimes I add "take a nap" to remind myself to rest)   The Nap thing is definitely there, mid list.

I've got this.

1 comment:

  1. I make to do lists, and yes! A real sense of accomplishment as I cross things off - OK, sometimes the list isn't done for SEVERAL DAYS! but it does mostly get done eventually.
    Put this near the very top of your list - do not be too hard on myself!
    AND YES! I always list NAP!


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