Sunday, January 19, 2020

asthma at 4 am

I seem to complain a lot about health issues, but let's face it, I'm a certain "vintage" with specific problems- asthma being chief among them.  I have a great doctor, but lately, due to bronchitis, asthma is getting the upper hand. 

around 4 a.m ( why is it ALWAYS 4 a.m?) I woke up gasping.  I woke Chris who handed me the rescue in haler. Pump. Pump.  No go.  Pump. Pump. same result.  Got a large gulp of very hot water in the bathroom ( we are on VACATION, and in a hotel)  small airway cleared.  After MUCH unpleasantness, and a breathing treatment ( thank goodness for the machine) I got to breathing again.

I don't mind telling you, it scared the heck out of me.  Back to my doctor on Tuesday when we are back in town and taking it easy today.  We are going up to Oatman to see the burros and maybe ride a river taxi. I need to be near the water today.

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