Friday, January 31, 2020

No words

As I watch what is happening to this country, I fear for it.  I think people are blindly following tRump because he feeds THEIR fears and acts as if  he will make America White again. There I said it.  The racist assholes who hide behind their "faith" ( spoiler alert- Jesus was born a Middle Eastern Jew) to mask their racism are dancing in the streets.  Now, don't get me wrong here. I am a christian, not every Christian is a racist asshole, just the loud Evangelical base that sees tRump as the second coming of Christ.

Again spoiler alert- I think he's the Anti-Christ.

I will pray for this Country today, pray for rational thought to enter into the minds and hearts of those senators who are not afraid of tRump.  WHO allows a "Trial" with no witnesses?  DICTATORS, that's who.

I'm sorry, I'm just so terrified that we are becoming Nazi Germany, that I'm gobsmacked and ranting.

1 comment:

  1. Everything that's happening reminds me so much of Germany in the mid to late 1930's'!
    Plays to the base of the great ignorant unwashed.
    Is it wrong to pray for him, Graham and McConnell to disappear from the face of the earth?
    And a few dozen others - in fact, whole states?


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