Sunday, January 26, 2020

cars and radios

My car is in the shop.  it's old and I have put a lot of mileage on it, but I trust Alex's Performance will get me back on the road.  They are honest about what I need to fix RIGHT NOW  and what can wait a bit.  I like them and have recommended people to them.

I have a rental car from Fox Rental.  Cheaper than most but kind of weird.  You can't return the car early.  Seriously, they penalize you. So even thought I might not have needed it for the full term, I am keeping it.

Things that I thought about vis-a-vie the trips I have taken in the rental car

  • The Kia Soul Plus is like driving a large soup can on wheels,  it's no wonder they had those ads with hamsters driving it.
  • Commercial radio is well named; for every two songs, I hear about eight commercials
  • the DJs  sound like what I imagine a Labrador would sound like  if they were given voice.  After a few minutes, I am exhausted
  • K-RTH plays a Lot of Prince.  Granted it's the same three songs, but I have heard 1999 and Purple rain and one other song whose title escapes me at least six times in the last day and a half- sometimes two of the  songs repeat in the hour. There ARE other songs to play form the 80's you know
  • it's disconcerting that the "oldies" station is playing 80's music, but the 80's WERE almost 40 years ago.
I am looking forward to getting my car back. I have a book on cd to finish and I need to give a more complete listen to a cd I just got " The Bella Portal"  I hope to write a complete review here, If I can gather my wits.

And as to yesterday's  blog. Last night I had a "movie dream" Here are the bare bones, before I forget:

A boy named Andy wants to go to the Prom with his boyfriend, but the BF's mom is one of those bigoted rich housewife types.  Somehow, Andy dresses up as "Amber" and tries to go to the BF's school looking for him.  Amber is rescued from some unnamed violence by a group of school "geeks" who take her under their wing.   The usual Hollywood hi-jinks ensued, and I never got to the denouement, because I woke up during the obligatory montage of "Amber" walking on the beach to a Simple Minds song.   I assume a happy ending and the comeuppance of the BF's mom would have taken place before the credits rolled.  Somewhere in the middle of the film, I make a cameo appearance.  I was in a history class,as me a sixty-something year old woman and everyone thought I was a high school kid.  The History teacher kept asking why I had not done the required reading on birth rates and birth control.  I think I just got up and left.  Like I said, my dreams are weird.

Happy Sunday.  My house is still a wreck (even though Chris did an AWFUL lot of work on it, the things I need to do remain undone)  Wish me luck!

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